FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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A. Installing


1.My Admin person at my school installed MM for me. I am logged in as a non-Admin user and when I run MM, it gives me errors about not having permission to open certain files. What can I do ?

This means you do not have rights to alter files in certain folders that MM needs. The Admin user must give rights to you as a user to alter files in c:\hy-sport and all folders under c:\hy-sport. The Admin must also give you rights to the database folder c:\tfmeets6 and also c:\realtime if doing real-time results to the web. To give you rights, the Admin must log on, use Windows Explorer and right click on the folders mentioned and give the appropriate user rights to these folders.


B. Seeding


1.I am on an 8 lane track and the seeding is assigning the entries to lanes 1 to 6. How do I get MM to seed the entries in 8 lanes ?

First go to File / Purge / Reset Event Results and Seeding. Select all events and click Reset. This will erase the seeding, but leave the entries intact. Now go to Setup / Options / Global and check the boxes next to "Change number of lanes for all in-lane Prelim Rounds to:" and "Change number of lanes for all in-lane Prelim Rounds to:". Enter 8 in both text boxes next to these statements and then click Ok. This will change all in-lane events to 8 lanes. You could also edit each event individually and change the lanes one at a time, but the global method is much faster.


C. Results


1.How do I create results for just 2 teams out of a meet that has 10 teams competing ?

Go to Reports / Results and click the Sort Order / Selected Teams tab. Click the Selected Teams radio button and a list of all teams will be displayed. Select each team you want included, click Ok and then click Create Report.


D. Scoring


1.A 14 team conference championship wants to score the meet as an overall 14 team meet (1-16th place) as well as a two seven team divisional meet (1-16th place). How do I do this  ?

Run the meet as a normal 14 team meet with no divisions. After the meet is over or at the end of each day, use one of the two processes below to get the separate divisional scores:

1) Assign each of the teams to one of two regions and list their score totals using the actual points awarded during the meet with no changes to those points. To do this, use Setup / Division/Region Names, pick Regions and enter a name for each division (edit the Northeast, etc to be just the two you want). Assign the correct Region Name to each team by editing each team from the Teams/Schools Menu. During or at the end of the meet, go to Reports / Scores and for Grouping, choose By Region. Select your events and create the scores. You will get the two sets of team scores.

2) Re-score the meet so that there are two sets of 1st thru 16th. To do this, use Setup / Division/Region Names, pick Divisions and enter a name for each division (edit JV and Varsity to be just the two you want). Assign the correct Division to each team by editing each team from the Teams/Schools Menu. At the end of the meet or at the end of each session, print your normal scores. To get the Division scores, go to Setup / Meet Setup and change the Meet Type to Divisions by Teams. Go to the Run Menu and click Re-Score at the top of the Run to re-score the entire meet as Divisions by Teams. Go to Reports / Scores and for Grouping, choose By Division. Select your events and create the scores. You will get the two sets of team scores. To return the meet to standard scoring, go back to Setup / Meet Setup and change the Meet Type to Standard. Go to the Run Menu and click Re-Score at the top of the Run to re-score the entire meet back to the standard scoring.