Scores Report |
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From the Main Menu Bar, click on Reports / Scores and MM will display a window like the one shown here. •This report is designed to print Team Scores or Individual High Point Scores. To get a Team Score report with a breakdown of what type of events a team scored in, select Team Points Allocation and a spreadsheet type report will be created with point columns for total points, sprint points, distance points, hurdles points, relay points, field event points, and Combined Event points. Note: Cross Country team scores are not available from this menu. Use the Run Menu or the CC/RR Menu to print Cross Country team scores. •In order for MM to print any totals from the Reports / Scores menu, the only eligible events are those that have been scored and have the status of "Scored". Just "Done" events are not included. •Customize your report by choosing from the Gender Choices list. For Team Scores, click on Combined if Both Score for meets in which a Team is eligible to score Combined Team Points ONLY if they have scored points in BOTH gender events. Also see the Grouping / Options panel at the bottom of this page. •Click on the Use Athletes Age radio button and then click on the Age Criteria button to request that MM group Individual High Point Scores according to age groups. •If in the Meet Set-up, you declared the Meet Style as 3+ Double Dual, MM will print Team Scores based on the team pairings you specified in the Entry/Scoring Preferences section. •The Flat HTML choice creates an HTML file instead of a report. This format is a very clean and simple style that is easy to read and to upload to a web site. •If only one event is selected, the report puts the event name at the top of the report. •To Memorize a given set of report settings, click Memorize or click the Memorize con
Grouping / Options •You may also limit this report to show only the Top 10 Individuals or Teams by entering a number in the List Top How Many selection. . •If you want MM to group Team or Individual High Point Scores by Team Regions, click on the By Region radio button under the Grouping panel and MM will total scores and group and rank them within each Region. You declare what Region a Team is in when you originally setup the Team. •If you want MM to group Team or Individual High Point Scores by Team Divisions, click on the By Division radio button under the Grouping panel and MM will total scores and group and rank them within each Division. You declare what Division a Team is in when you originally setup the Team. •To get a more detailed report for Individual High Point, check the Include point break-out check box and each event used to calculate an athlete's total point will be listed with the points allocated from each event.