Export Results in Flat HTML Format

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Click on Reports from the Main Menu Bar then click on Results.  Select the Session and Event/Rounds you wish to export then click on the Flat HTML radio button at the bottom of the screen.  Customize the report by choosing various options like Record/Time STD Headers, etc.   Click on the Create Report button and MM will default to the "HTML" folder under the directory that was used to install MM but you can specify any folder on your hard drive or export directly to a diskette.  The file that is exported is a standard Internet based HTML file with no special characters or fonts that can be referenced directly from your Web Browser (like Explorer, Netscape, AOL, etc).


Here are the exact steps to create Flat HTML result files from MM.

1.Click Reports / Results
2.At the top, select "All Events" or one particular session. Click "Select All" using the button on the left.
3.At the bottom under Export File, select "Flat HTML". Check any items to be included such as records, time standards, event comments, etc.
4.Click the Sort order tab, in most cases, select "Publication" rather than "event" for sort order.
5.Click Create Report and when it is done, you can give the just created file a name and a location to copy to. Make the name of the file something meaningful.
6.E-mail this newly created file as an attachment.