Re-Score Events

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You may want to make a change to a result or even change the Scoring setup and want to go back and re-score one or more events.  Here's how.


How to Re-Score One Event

Click on Run from the Main Menu Bar and then pick the event that you wish to re-score.  Now click on the Score Event button and MM will re-score the event and print a new Results Report. If you only wish to re-score the event but not print Results, click on or press Ctrl-S.



How to Re-Score Multiple Events

Click on Run from the Main Menu Bar and then click on the Sessions button and either select All Sessions or any one Session.  Now click on Re-Score on the Run Menu Bar and MM will ask you to confirm if you wish to re-score the session(s) you selected.  Select Yes and MM will go through and re-score each event in the session(s) you selected.