Licensing Options for Track & Field

Team Manager for Track & Field

The Team Manager for Track & Field software may be licensed in the following ways:

  1. Club or School License

    This is the typical and most popular License option and allows the Club or School to use the software to manage the administrative and performance needs of that ONE CLUB or School. For example, if TFTM is licensed to Central High School, the software may be used to manage that one High School Team - not the USATF team, not a college team, etc.

  2. League License

    This License option allows the software to be used to manage the athletes associated with multiple teams in that one league, typically a High School, Association, or Province. Under this License option, the software can only be installed on ONE computer used by an official of the league and cannot be used by the individual teams or schools in that league.

Meet Manager for Track & Field

The Meet Manager for Track & Field software may be licensed in the following ways:

  1. Club, Team, or School License

    This is our most popular License option and allows a Club, Team, or School to run any meet that is HOSTED BY (at their home facility) and COMPETED IN by that club, school, or team. For example, if Meet Manager is licensed to Central High School, the software may be used to run all of the home dual meets at Central High School as well as any invitational meets that are sponsored by and participated in by the Central High School Track & Field Team. Please note that a club and school team must have their own license even if they swim at the same site and have the same head coach. Additionally, and as an example, if the software is licensed to an AAU or USATF club, that software cannot be used to run a College or High School meet even if some members of the club are competing in the College or High School meet.

  2. Championship Meet License

    This License option allows the software to be used to run one specific championship meet each year. A typical use of this License option would be to run the State Championship meet that is rotated among different High Schools each year. If the software is licensed to a League's Championship Meet, that software may NOT be used to run the Dual Meets or Divisionals for that league.

    Having a Championship Meet license requires the Licensee to submit via email to the date of the meet each year. When this information is received a web download will be emailed to the Licensee for that year.

  3. Site License

    A facility may want to order Meet Manager and use it for all the meets that are run at that one facility - USATF, Masters/Veterans, High School, College, etc. However, the site licensed software is not to be distributed to entering teams to facilitate their data entry. The Site License option requires an annual subscription fee.

  4. Organizational License

    A Track & Field Organization may want to order MM and use it for up to a maximum of four (4) Championship meets ONLY. An Organizational license may not be used for club or school hosted meets. An example of an Organizational License might be for a Province or State running their 3 or 4 provincial or state championship meets. The Organizational License option requires an annual subscription fee.

Specific Restrictions

The single user software may NOT be distributed to run separate meets at separate sites for subsets of one organization. For example, if there are four district meets advancing to a state championship, this requires five licenses unless one of the districts is also running the championship meet in which case four licenses would be required.