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If you are a new Customer go to the New Customers section below and skip the next three sections about converting a previous Database over to the new TFTM 4.2 Database format.
TEAM MANAGER Release 3.0 or 4.0 Customers
Since the database format for TFTM 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2 are totally compatible, all you have to do after you installed TFTM 4.2 is click on File / Open, pick the Database that you previously had opened and click on Open and TFTM 4.2 will automatically open that database.
TEAM MANAGER Release 1.2 or 2.0 Customers
After you install TFTM 4.2 and then click on File / Open, pick the Database that you previously had opened and click on Open and TFTM 4.2 will automatically convert it over to the new format! TFTM 4.2 will automatically make a copy of your database in a Version 1.2 or 2.0 directory off of your current database directory and then backup your "old" database BEFORE it is converted so that you can restore that database back to your previous TFTM version if the need arises. Please note that it is not possible to Open a TFTM 4.2 Database with a 1.2 or 2.0 version of TEAM MANAGER.
DOS-TM Customers
If you are currently running TEAM MANAGER for DOS product (DOS-TM), you will not be able to convert your database directly over to TFTM 4.2. Please use the Import/Export facilities to move your meet results and roster to the new TFTM 4.2 database.
New Customers
It's easy and fast to Get Started using TFTM Set-Up and Customization features. Here is a step-by-step procedure for getting started.
Step 1: Open and Customize your Database Set-Up Click on File then Open/New and specify the name of your Database and click on Open. Whenever you Open a New Database, TFTM will automatically route you to the System Preferences screen so that you may customize a number of parameters that will be used by TFTM in setting up your Database. Click Here to find out how to set up additional Preferences for your Database. We also recommend setting up Favorite Filters so that you will not have to key in repetitive information like Team.
Step 2: Enter your Team and Coaches Click Here for information on how to Add your Team(s) to the TFTM Database and click Here to find out how to enter your coach(s). You might want to run the Teams Report to check the information you have entered.
Step 3: Enter your Athletes Click Here for information on how to Add your Athletes to the TFTM Database including contact and other administrative information. We suggest you enter ONE TEAM assuming you have one physical Team. Do Not set up a different team for Boys and Girls. Use the Group and Subgroup features of TFTM instead of different teams to "break out" different sets of athletes. Click Here for more information about Groups and Subgroups.
You might want to run the Athletes Report to check the information you have entered.
Step 4: Set-Up your Meets Click Here for more detail information on how to set up your meets. You might want to set-up all the meets for your current season and then run the Meets Report.
If you want to establish a set of baseline marks for your athletes, set up a meet called "Best Marks", then set up the events for that meet and enter each athlete's Best Mark for each event and distance as Meet Results for that meet. That way when you set up entries for your first meet, TFTM will use these marks as Entry Marks for that meet.
You might want to run the Meet Results Report to check the information you have entered.
Step 5: Set-Up Records and Mark Standards Click Here for information on how to set-up your Facility or Team Records and click Here to find out how to set-up or Import Mark Standards.
You might want to run the Record or Mark Standard Reports to check the information you have entered.
Be sure you periodically backup your Database.Click Here for specific instructions on how to do this.