Small Matrix Scoreboard

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Small Matrix Set-up

Small matrix boards are those that are too narrow to adequately display results on one line (i.e. less than 16 characters wide), but have room for at least three lines of data. HY-TEK's small matrix software will always display 3 lines of data only, so results will be cycled using 3 lines to display each result. The set-up for small matrix is exactly the same as for full matrix, except that the double column and showing team abbreviations do not apply. A board that is 24 x 64 would be capable of 3 lines, (24+1)/(7+1) =3, and 10 characters across, (64+1)/(5+1) =10. A sample result display might be:


So Bronx



Small Matrix Software Set-up in Venus

As previously described here, the small matrix set-up is used when your Daktronics matrix board is too narrow to properly display one competitor's results on one line (i.e. less than 16 characters across).


Create RTD frame number 1 as described in the full matrix section and begin the formatting process also as described there. However, the layout will be different. As an example, if your board is 24x64, uses a font of 7x5, and 1 bulb between lines, there are 3 lines (each 8 bulbs high) with 10 characters possible per line. This is important to know for formatting frame 1. Press F11 until it says "Field: 1 of 128" at the bottom. Now follow these steps:


Press R for Row, and enter 1
Press C for Column, and enter 1
Press F for Font, and enter 1
Press I for Item, and enter 101
Press L for Length, and enter 10
Press P for Port, and enter the RTD port number connected to Hy-Tek, such as 1


That completes line 1 of the 3 lines. Press F12 to get to the next line which should now say "Field: 2 of 128". To do the next 2 lines, enter as follows, noting that C for Column will always be 1 and F for Font will always be 1 (assuming your font #1 is 7x5), R for Row increments by 8 (the line height), I for Item increments by 100, L for Length is always 10, and in this case P for Port is always 1:


 R =9        I =201        L = 10        P =1        press F12

R =17        I =301        L = 10        P =1         press F12


Now that Frame 1 of 1 is finished for the small board, press Esc, select "Seq" at top left, select "Update/Quit". This single frame will be used by HY-TEK for start lists, results, team scores, and messages from Hy-Tek.


Your sign and frame is now configured. To put the Venus software into actual operation, select "Sign(Direct)" from the Main Menu at the top of the screen, select "Sequence", select the frame name, and select "Sel Frame". The Venus 4600 / 6000 / 6500 / 7000 software is now ready to accept data from MM.