Track Meet Mobile Publishing

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Track Meet Mobile is an Apple and Android application designed by ACTIVE Network which can be installed on the iPhone, the iPad, the iTouch, and Android phones and Android devices. Users can subscribe to receive results with a monthy or yearly subscription. The application displays meet results and team scores in real time as MEET MANAGER receives data from the timer or field event device. In addition, performance lists, team rosters, records and time standards are available before the meet starts. Heat / Flight sheets can also be available if the Meet Manager user allows heat / flight sheets. The upload of results from MEET MANAGER is performed automatically without user intervention as long as there is an Internet connection. Meet Mobile can display results by event or by swimmer. Parents and coaches will be able to follow the meet from any location in the world.


Heat Sheets

The meet host has the option to publish or not publish heat / flight sheets to the Track Meet Mobile app. If the meet host chooses not to publish heat sheets, the performance lists and the meet program (including real-time results) can be accessed through the Track Meet Mobile app at any time.


Publishing Settings

Well before a meet begins, the General Meet Information can be "published" to the Mobile Application so that coaches, athletes, parents and all other interested parties can view the meet schedule along with records and time standards. After the entry deadline, the Performance Lists can be published.

To prepare for publishing the general meet information, from the main screen in MM, go to Set-up / Publish Track Meet Mobile to display a window as shown below.

Under the Settings tab, select whether you want to make heat / flight sheets available or not.

If you select Exclude Heat / Flight Sheets, then only Performance Lists will be available to Track Meet Mobile.

The Terms of Use is required before any meet data can be published to Track Meet Mobile. Click View Contract to Agree and you will be able to view the contract. On the contract page, enter your name and birth date, then click Agree. After you agree and select whether to show heat / flight sheets or not, click the Confirm button.

Anytime after you have confirmed whether to publish heat / flight sheets or not, you can change your choice and re-click Confirm.    




Publish the Meet

Meet Mobile Operation

Promote the Meet