Lap Counter Sheets

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From the Main Menu Bar, click on Reports / Lap Counter Sheets and MM will display a window like the one shown here.

Lap Counter Sheets are for relay and individual running events over 800 and are used to count laps or record lap times. You can customize each sheet to include columns for 1 to 4 athletes or relays.  The Event List can be filtered by gender, event age range, one team or all teams, round, and individual versus relay events.

To make room to show more events in the list, you can hide the filter choices by clicking the View icon or by clicking View / Show/Hide Filters.

To Memorize a given set of report settings, click Memorize or click the Memorize con Icon-MemorizeExport, provide a name for the memorized report, and the settings will be saved to the Memorized Reports Menu.


