Export Generic Data in MS Access

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The MM 6.0 Access database is password protected so that changes cannot be made to the data outside of MM. If it is desired to manipulate the data for statistical purposes using MS Access, Excel or some other tool that can import or convert an Access database, you can export the data to an MS Access database that is not password protected. You have several options for the export as detailed in the screen shot below.


If the Export Type is Athletes / Teams, the exported database will have a Meet table, a Teams table and an Athlete table.

If the Export Type is Athletes / Teams / Entries, the exported database will also have an Entries table.

If the Export Type is Athletes / Teams / Entries / Results, the exported database will also have an Results table.

In all cases, you have the option to include records or not, include time / mark standards or not, include foreigners or not and include birth dates and registration ID or not.

