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This New Features List is based on MEET MANAGER 7.0Ca which is the first version of the 7.0 release series.




File Menu

In File > Duplicate, you can now duplicate an existing meet to create a new meet with new Start, End and Age-up Dates and selectively purge Entries, Seeding, Scores and Teams data.


Set-up Menu

When using the Timed Final Multi-Age Super Seed feature, in the Set-up > Entry / Scoring Preferences > Disability Meet tab, disabled swimmers can be set to be seeded together with all other swimmers by checking the If Timed Final Multi-Age Seed is set, seed Multi-Class Athletes with their age group check-box..

To lock seeded events against reseeding, check the Set-up > Seeding Preferences > Basic > Lock all events for reseed check-box.


Relays Menu

In Relays > Add a Relay, an Athlete can be assigned to a position on a Relay Team by clicking and dragging the athlete from the Eligible Athletes list into the Relay Order list.


Run Screen

In the Run > F9 > Prelims Scratch Sheet, you can print out the current data grid as a report. On the generated report, each heat is separated by lines based on the next round's heat and lane settings. If there is a tie for any slot requiring a swim-off, then a warning will be displayed and you can select to continue or abort printing the report.

When setting-up a swim-off, tied athletes or teams are automatically listed for you to select to seed for the swim-off event.

In the Run > Calc > Time Adjustment screen, Adjusted HPL and Adjusted PL columns show the adjusted heat placings and adjusted placings, respectively.

The Run > Reports menu now offers a set of reports that is consistent with the Reports menu.

If an event has swim-off event results, then Meet Manager can automatically break ties based on the swim-off results and create the Judge's Decision placings.


Reports Menu

In Reports > Entry Lists, exhibition entries are marked with an X in front of the entry time.

To include split boxes in the Lane/Timer Sheet, check the Reports > Lane/Timer Sheets > Parameters > Include Splits check box and then select a Split Distance.

The Reports > Entry Lists report has been re-formatted for better readability.

For UK-based meets only, in the Reports > Psych Sheet report, when sorting by Slow to fast or Fast to slow, No Time entries are always sorted from youngest-to-oldest.

To generate flighting meets, in which the fastest heats of each event are placed together, check the Reports > Meet Program > Psych List - Sort Order > Flighting meet check-box and enter the number of fastest heats to place in a flight in the Fastest heats for A flight box.

In Reports > Meet Program > Less than minute interval, you can now select to include swimmers whose time intervals between seedings is less than the entered number of minutes.

In the Reports > Exceptions Report > Max Entries tab, you can now generate a report to list athletes who exceed the Max Bonus entries and have fewer than the Min qualified time entries.

In the Reports > Teams > Entry Fee Summary tab, check the Only Time Trial check box to list only Time Trial events.


Database Conversion

If MM 7.0 attempts to open an MM 2.0 database, the database will be automatically converted to the MM 7.0 structure. MM 7.0 databases are interchangeable with MM 6.0, MM 5.0, MM 4.0 and MM 3.0 databases, but when opening with MM 6.0, the features that come with MM 7.0 will of course not be available.

MM 2.0 versions will not be able to open an MM 3.0 or higher databases. The work around for MM 2.0 users is to install the Free MM 7.0 Demo and use the Demo to view the data, create reports, and create needed export files. The ACTIVE Network Demo for MM 7.0 can be downloaded from the HY-TEK web site at: