FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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A. Compatibility with MM Version 2.0


1.I am sending MM 7.0 Backups to users with MM 2.0 and they are restoring the backup and are unable to open the database . Why is this happening ?

MM 2.0 versions will not be able to open an MM 7.0 database. The work around for MM 2.0 users is to install the Free MM 7.0 Demo and use the Demo to view the data, create reports, and create needed export files. The ACTIVE Network Demo for MM 7.0 can be downloaded from the HY-TEK web site at: http://hytek.active.com/downloads.html. Note: MM 2.0 users can contact HY-TEK sales at 866-456-5111 from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern about upgrading to MM 7.0.


B. Installing


1.My Admin person at my school installed MM for me. I am logged in as a non-Admin user and when I run MM, it gives me errors about not having permission to open certain files. What can I do ?

This means you do not have rights to alter files in certain folders that MM needs. The Admin user must give rights to you as a user to alter files in c:\hy-sport and all folders under c:\hy-sport. The Admin must also give you rights to the database folder c:\swmeets7 and also c:\realtime and if doing real-time results to the web. To give you rights, the Admin must log on, use Windows Explorer and right click on the folders mentioned and give the appropriate user rights to these folders.


C. General


1.How do I get MEET MANAGER to periodically check for updates ?

Upon startup, MM will automatically check for updates and notify you if there is an update available and will ask if you want to update now. Answering yes starts the update process.  


2.How do I get MEET MANAGER to periodically backup my database ?

Go to Setup / Options / Personal Preferences. Upon startup of MM, you can have MM to prompt you to create a backup. In Personal Preferences, enter a number for days between prompting you to backup your database.


3.I like the way I can enter a reason for a DQ but MM's DQ codes are different from what we use. Is there any way to change the DQ codes ?

The DQ codes can be changed or added to, but you must follow the rules for the coding. You use MS WordPad or MS NotePad to edit the DQcodes.txt file that is in your MM installation folder. You can add new codes by inserting a new line or you can edit an existing line. The text file is a comma delimited file with three fields on each line. The first field is a 2 character code where the first character is a number and the second character is a letter. Each code must be unique and in order. The number refers to the stroke or type of DQ where 1 = fly, 2 = back, 3 = breast, 4 = free, 5 = IM, 6 = relay, and 7 = Miscellaneous. The second field is the description of the DQ. This description must be kept as brief as possible. The third field is the stroke name in short form..."fly", "back", "breast", "free", "IM", "Relay", "Misc".


4.How do I use the events from a previous meet for an upcoming meet ?

Use the File / Save As feature. Click Here for specific instructions.


5.I have my events numbered 1-20, but need to add a new event and it needs to be event number 11. How do I do that ?

Go to the Events Menu and click Re-Number at the top. Click Increase Event Numbers, put 1 in for the Offset, put 11 to 20 for event range and click Ok. Now add the new event and make it event 11.


D. Seeding


1.I am in an 8 lane pool and the seeding is assigning the entries to lanes 1 to 6. How do I get MM to seed the entries in 8 lanes ?

First go to File / Purge / Reset Event Results and Seeding. Select all events and click Reset. This will erase the seeding, but leave the entries intact. Now go to Setup / Options / Global and check the boxes next to "Change number of lanes for all Prelim Rounds to:" and "Change number of lanes for all Prelim Rounds to:". Enter 8 in both text boxes next to these statements and then click Ok. This will change all events to 8 lanes. You could also edit each event individually and change the lanes one at a time, but the global method is much faster.


E. Results


1.My MM results are supposed to be for a Yards course, but when exporting the results from MM and importing into TM, the results are showing up as Short Course Meters times ?

This means the course was incorrect in MM for either the Meet Setup or for the Sessions. Changing the meet course in the Meet Setup will not solve the problem. To correct the course for results, the course for each session must be corrected. If there are no sessions, create a session with the wrong course and add all events to the session. Then edit the session and change the course to the correct course and MM will ask if you want the results changed to the new course. Answer yes, export the results to TM again, and import the new file into TM while checking the TM box to overwrite duplicates. If sessions were already setup, correct the course, answer Yes to the question about changing the results and re-export from MM and import into TM.


2.On the Adjust selection from the Run Menu, how do I move an athlete or relay from say Heat 2 to Heat 11 when both heats do not show on the screen ?

In the far left column there is a row number. If the athlete in heat 2 is in row 12 and the empty row number in heat 11 is 87, click on the number 12 in the row column and change it to 87. That moves the athlete or relay to row 87. If there was an athlete or relay already in row 87, the entries are switched.


3.If I am in the Run screen, what is the fastest way of finding out if a particular swimmer in the heat on screen has previously been DQ'd ?

Right click on the athlete's name and a window pops up with the details about the athlete and all events entered including results. Click Here for an example.


F. Scoring


1.A 14 team conference championship wants to score the meet as an overall 14 team meet (1-16th place) as well as a two seven team divisional meet (1-16th place). How do I do this  ?

Run the meet as a normal 14 team meet with no divisions. After the meet is over or at the end of each day, use one of the two processes below to get the separate divisional scores:

1) Assign each of the teams to one of two regions and list their score totals using the actual points awarded during the meet with no changes to those points. To do this, use Setup / Division/Region Names, pick Regions and enter a name for each division (edit the Northeast, etc to be just the two you want). Assign the correct Region Name to each team by editing each team from the Teams/Schools Menu. During or at the end of the meet, go to Reports / Scores and for Grouping, choose By Region. Select your events and create the scores. You will get the two sets of team scores.

2) Re-score the meet so that there are two sets of 1st thru 16th. To do this, use Setup / Division/Region Names, pick Divisions and enter a name for each division (edit JV and Varsity to be just the two you want). Assign the correct Division to each team by editing each team from the Teams/Schools Menu. At the end of the meet or at the end of each session, print your normal scores. To get the Division scores, go to Setup / Meet Setup and change the Meet Type to Divisions by Teams. Go to the Run Menu and click Re-Score at the top of the Run to re-score the entire meet as Divisions by Teams. Go to Reports / Scores and for Grouping, choose By Division. Select your events and create the scores. You will get the two sets of team scores. To return the meet to standard scoring, go back to Setup / Meet Setup and change the Meet Type to Standard. Go to the Run Menu and click Re-Score at the top of the Run to re-score the entire meet back to the standard scoring.


G. Records


1.I am running a Masters Meet and I want to use the USMS National Records without re-keying them. Is there a way I can do this ?

The records can be imported into the Records Menu after you download the record files from the U.S.Masters web site at http://www.usms.org/comp/recordsmm.php

After downloading these files, use the Import button at the top of the Records Menu.


H. Time Standards


1.How do I set up a meet where event 1 is the girls 11-12 100 free with a qualifying time of faster than or equal to the A time standard and event 2 is the girls 11-12 100 free with a qualifying time of slower than the A time standard ?

This requires that you use Custom Qualifying Times from within the Time Standards Menu. Add or import the A time standards using the Time Standards Menu. Check the box for Custom Qualifying Times. For event 1, enter A in the cell for = or Faster. For event 2, enter A in the cell for Slower Than. Click Here for more examples.


I. Imports and Exports


1.Whenever I try to import meet entries, MM always defaults to the wrong folder. How do I set up a default folder/directory that MM will always use for the import of meet entries ?

You can setup Favorite Directories. Go to Setup / Directory Preferences and select the default folder for Imports and Exports.


2.I am running a big meet and I want the teams to submit their entries electronically so I do not have to key them all into MM. Is there a way I can do this?

If the teams coming to your meet do not have HY-TEK's TEAM MANAGER, then they can download a free version of TM called TM Lite which can be downloaded from HY-TEK's Download Center. TM Lite will allow teams to import the Meet Events file from your MEET MANAGER. After that the teams can enter their swimmer names and then simply select the swimmers they want in each event, put in an entry time, enter the relays, and then export the entry file from TM. That file gets emailed to you and you import the file. Click Here for more exact details.  


J. Reports


1.How do I create a pdf of the Meet Program ?

You can export any MM report to PDF by creating the report and then clicking the Export icon at the top left of the report. Then you select Adobe Acrobat for the Format, click OK and select the location and name for the pdf. Click here for exact details.


2.How do I create a pdf of the Results to post on my web site ?

Same as in question 1. Create the results report and click the Export icon at the top left of the report. Then you select Adobe Acrobat for the Format, click OK and select the location and name for the pdf. Upload this pdf file you your web site. Click here for exact details on creating the pdf.


3.When I use the export to pdf from reports, it gives me an error message. I am running Windows 8.1, so how can this be resolved ?

The reason for the error is that the Times New Roman fonts in Winidows 8.1 are incompatible with Crystal Reports. The fonts in Windows 8.0 work fine, so the solution is to replace the 8.1 Times New Roman fonts with the 8.0 Times New Roman fonts. Click here for instructions on how to replace the 8.1 fonts.


4.How do I print a meet program with a heat sheet for most events, but a Psych Sheet for some distance events that we are checking in ?

Go to the Sessions Menu and create a session. Move the events for the session from left to right in the order they will be swum. For the distance events that will not be pre-seeded, change the H in the Rpt column on the right to P. The P will cause the Meet Program to print the Psych Sheet for that event. Later, after you seed the event, you must either change the P back to an H in the Session Menu or click the Ignore Psych check box at the bottom of the Meet Program Menu.  


K. Scoreboards


1.I have an Alpha Scoreboard and the only way I can get the names up is to use the Export option. But when a swimmer is scratched or we have to re-seed an event, I have to go back and re-export the names. Is there a better way to do this ?

The only other way is to have the Alpha Scoreboard Interface and then the changes are automatically sent to the scoreboard when requested by the timer or scoreboard controller. With the Interface there is no need to export scoreboard files.