Teams Report

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How to Add or Edit Teams


To print or preview a report of teams that have been setup, click on Reports from the Main Menu Bar and then Administrative and then Teams.  You can filter this report to include only a specific Team or include teams of a specific Team Type - either Age Group or School.




If you enter a Short Team Name, TFTM will always use that name in reports; if you do not enter a Short Team Name, then TFTM will use the Team Abbreviation.


You can customize the report to include Coaches information as well as coach certifications.  You can specify if you want to include Inactive athletes in the Athlete count for each team.  You can also sort the report alphabetically by Team Code (abbreviation) or by full Team Name.


Click on the Create Report button and TFTM will provide a report preview of the Teams Report.


You can click on the Export icon at the top of the Print Preview screen to export the report in various formats like Excel, Word, HTML, CSV, PDF, etc.  And you can click on the Printer icon, and TFTM will print the report to the selected printer.