TEAM MANAGER 4.1 for Track & Field
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Welcome to TEAM MANAGER 4.1 for Track & Field (TFTM) - the finest in track & field team management software.
TFTM has been designed to provide the very highest level of functionality for track & field coaches, parents, and volunteers. But the #1 goal of the design team was to make TFTM easy to use and VERY INTUITIVE!
Installing TEAM MANAGER Click Here for specific information about how to install TEAM MANAGER.
What To Do First After you have installed TFTM, click Here to find out How to Get Started.
Hardware Required to Run TFTM TFTM is designed to run on any PC compatible computer with a minimum speed of 500 MHz and at least 1GB of RAM. We recommend using a 1 GHz PC or faster with 2GB of RAM or more.
Software Required to Run TFTM TFTM runs on any of the following Operating Systems - Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP or XP Pro, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
TFTM Lite TFTM Lite is designed to provide a way for each team entering a meet to key in their meet entries and then export those entries by disk or e-mail to the Meet Host. Click Here to find out more information about TFTM Lite.
How To Get Help There are a number of ways you can get answers to your questions and/or problems.
Product Help The fastest and easiest way to get answers to your questions is to use the TFTM Help included with your product. The Help section provides simple to follow instructions on "How to" accomplish specific tasks that you will be performing as you use T & F TEAM MANAGER to manage your team's administrative and performance oriented tasks. Click on Help from the TFTM Main Menu Bar as shown below.
When you click on Help, there will be a number of choices. Click on Contents to display the Help Introduction screen.
You can "minimize" this screen so that it will always be available on the your Windows Task bar and you can "resize" and "position" it on your desktop as you wish.
Now click on Index and enter a key word or part of a key word as shown below.
For example, suppose you wish to find out detail information about entering an athlete into your Database. Just enter "Athlete" as the key word and the TFTM Help will display all the topics about "Athletes". Click on the appropriate topic and the TFTM Help will display that particular help screen that discusses that topic.
User Guide in Acrobat pdf Format If you prefer to review the User Guide instead of using the TFTM Help facility, you can download the User Guide from the HY-TEK Download Center "downloads.html and then unzip it and use your Acrobat Reader on your PC or by accessing the T&F TEAM MANAGER pdf file that was loaded in your installation directory when you installed TEAM MANAGER. If you do not have a copy of Acrobat Reader, click Here to go to the Acrobat Reader web site to download a FREE copy.
Start up your Acrobat reader and click on File then Open and specify c:\hy-sport\TFTM4-1\TFTEAMMANAGER3.pdf. You can find topics either by using the Table of Contents at the beginning of the User guide, by using the Bookmark topics on the left panel of the screen, by using the Index at the end of the User Guide, or by clicking on the Find and Find Next icons (binoculars) on the Acrobat Reader tool bar.
Tech Support Please click Here for information on how to contact Tech Support.