Merge Teams

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How to Add or Edit Teams

Team Browser


TFTM makes it simple to merge or combine two team records that actually represent the same team.  For example, you might end up with two teams as NAT and NATC and want to combine the information for these two records into one team record.


Go to the Team Browser and highlight the one you want to change.  Let's assume you want to combine both records as NATC.  Then edit the NAT record and change the team's abbreviation from "NAT" to "NATC" then click OK.  TFTM will ask you to confirm that you wish to merge these two team records.  Answer Yes and TFTM will move all of the athlete, meet results, and entries information for the team NAT and merge it with the  information for the team NATC.


Click Here for more information on How to Edit a Team.