Setup Combined-Events

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MM can handle all types of combined-events.  Valid combined-events types are:




Indoor Pentathlon

Outdoor Pentathlon

Weight Pentathlon





Combined-Event Scoring Tables are available if you have the Combined-Event Option. When results are entered for combined-events, the points scored are computed and match the numbers found in these tables.


Combined-Event Tables

The scoring tables for every IAAF individual event within a combined-event can be displayed on screen or printed. All of the tables start at 1500 points and go down to 1. The following 42 tables are available:


Men and Women Combined-Event Tables

50, 60, 100, 150, 200, 400, and 800 meter dash/run
50, 55, 60, 80, 100 meter hurdles
high jump, long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus, javelin, and hammer


Men Only Combined-Event Tables

1000 and 1500 meter run
110 meter hurdles


Special tables are also available for USATF and AAU Midget 80 meter hurdles and for the NCAA 55 meter hurdles.


To set-up a combined-event, you must first set-up the overall header event from the Events Menu. In the Events Menu, click Add Event and select a combined-event from the set of combined-event choices under Event Type.  Then set-up the sub-events by clicking the Multi Sub-Events button on the left side of the Events Menu. The sub-events can be set up automatically or you can create your own set of sub-events in any order.


Click here for information on How to Setup Sub-Events in Combined-Events.


Important Note: In order to seed the Sub-Events from the Seeding Menu, the Sub-Events must be added to a Session.



Combined-Event Seeding Parameters


Number of lanes/positions: The number of athletes permitted per section in running events under 600 meters is 1 to 10. For running events of 600 meters or more and field events, the limit per flight is 1 to 160.


Section/Flight Assignment Combined-Events

       Previous Event
       Best Points


The choice of "Random" assignment to sections or flights is generally used for all running events except the last running event, and the first field event, unless the first field event is the high jump. After the first field event, the flights usually stay together (except high jump). For those field events that stay together, use the choice of "Previous Event" to keep flights together. For the high jump, use random to assign the flights, but then adjust the flights to put the best high jumpers together. This adjustment is done in the Seeding Menu when you preview the seeding. For the last event which is usually a distance running event, use the choice to assign sections based on "Best Points" scored to date.


Lane/Position Assignment Combined-Events



All lanes and positions within sections and flights are assigned randomly.


Section/Flight Order Combined-Events

       High to Low Points
       Low to High Points


All sections and flights should use the random order except the last running event. The "Previous Event" and "Best Points" choices cannot be used for the first event. In some cases, the last event may be seeded by the clerk as athletes become available from previous events. Note that if you use "Previous Event" and "Best Points" choices for the last event, it cannot be seeded properly until all results for all previous events have been entered into the computer.


Auto Set-up: When you use the Auto Set-up button, the multi sub-events can be automatically set-up for you and will use the standard events as shown below:



                                 Indoor                Outdoor

               Decathlon        Octathlon        Heptathlon        Pentathlon        Pentathlon
       1        100        100        60        60 Hurdles        Long Jump
       2        Long Jump        Long Jump        Long Jump        Long Jump        Javelin
       3        Shot Put        Shot Put        Shot Put        Shot Put        200
       4        High Jump        400        High Jump        High Jump        Discus
       5        400        110 Hurdles        60 Hurdles        1000                1500
       6        110 Hurdles        High Jump        Pole Vault
       7        Discus        Javelin        1000
       8        Pole Vault        1000
       9        Javelin
       10        1500



                                 Indoor                Outdoor

               Decathlon        Octathlon        Heptathlon        Pentathlon        Pentathlon
       1        100        100        100        60 Hurdles        100 Hurdles
       2        Long Jump        Long Jump        High Jump        High Jump        High Jump
       3        Shot Put        Shot Put        Shot Put        Shot Put        Shot Put
       4        High Jump        400        200        Long Jump        Long Jump
       5        400        100 Hurdles        Long Jump        800                800
       6        100 Hurdles        High Jump        Javelin
       7        Discus        Javelin        800
       8        Pole Vault        1000
       9        Javelin
       10        1500


For Youth Athletics, the order of events can be set-up automatically, but this order will differ from the IAAF Standard Events depending on whether you have selected USATF, AAU, or some other meet class in Meet Set-up.


The Weight Pentathlon for Masters/Veterans can also be set-up automatically as follows: Hammer Throw, Shot Put, Discuss Throw, Javelin Throw, Weight Throw.