Seeding Process

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The seeding process is started by clicking the Start Seeding icon Icon-StartSeeding. This will cause MM to seed each of the selected yellowed events one after the other with no interruption unless you have checked the "Preview each Event" check box or the "Prompt if a Re-Seed" check box. To select an event, click the event name or the check box at the beginning of each row. To select all events, click the Select All icon Icon-SelectAll. To un-select all events, click the De-Select icon Icon-Undo.




Please note that MM will seed ONLY those events/rounds that you have selected.  Any event with Manual Seed checked cannot be selected and therefore will not be seeded.

After your selections have been seeded, you can manually "tweak" or adjust the lane assignments by clicking on the Preview icon Icon-Comments and clicking and dragging Athletes or Relays from one heat/lane to another.  When you subsequently print the Heat Sheet for that event, your changes will be reflected.   Click Here to find out more information about the Adjust Seeding feature.


After seeding the above six events, the same window would look like the one below. Note that the Heats column now tells you how many heats were created.




If you check the Manual check box for any event, that event cannot be seeded or re-seeded by the computer. This is useful when you have seeded, but do not want anyone to mistakenly re-seed an event.