Seeding Combined-Events

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Seeding Combined-Events requires the Combined-Event Option. The Combined-Event Option is probably the most powerful feature within MM as events can be seeded exactly as per the rule books and can be scored instantly with automatic lookup of every IAAF scoring table.


Important Note: In order to seed the Sub-Events from the Seeding Menu, the Sub-Events must be added to a Session.


If you need to have the runs seeded randomly, the flights seeded randomly, the high jump separated into flights by ability, and the last run seeded by cumulative points, then the seeding procedure will be very helpful. The method of seeding will be determined by how the event has been set-up in the Combined-Event Sub-Events Menu. The actual seeding is very straight-forward and allows you to preview the seeding and switch and move athletes before continuing on to the next event. In addition, for field events and distance running events, you can alter the number of athletes in each section or flight at any time.


The procedure for seeding a combined-event is no different than seeding a one round running event or a normal field event. To print heat sheets and score sheets for combined-events, choose Meet Program, Field Events Score Sheets, or Finish Line Sheets from the Reports Menu.