Scoring / Awards

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From the Main Menu Bar, click on File / Entry/Scoring Preferences / Scoring/Awards.




Different Point System for Male and Female

Click on this check box and MM will provide a totally independent set of place scoring points for the Male and Female events in your meet.  For example, you may wish the Female events scoring to be 10-8-7-6-5-4 and the Male Scoring to be 7-5-4-3-2-1. Click Here to find out How To Set-up Point Scoring.


Different Point System for Each Division

Click on this check box and MM will provide a totally independent set of place score points for each Division that you have set up.  For example, you might want 1st place for the Varsity events to be worth 10 points and for the JV events 8 points.


Score Points ONLY if Athlete equals or exceeds Event Qualifying Mark

Click on this check box and MM will check each Athlete's Result and allow him/her to be awarded points only if that time equals or exceeds the meet entry qualification time for that event.  You may want to make this selection to penalize entries that do not meet the publicized entry qualification requirements to enter the meet.  MM will print a small "x" beside these result times indicating that they are not eligible to score points - for example, "x 1:23.45".


Score fastest heat ONLY, Regardless of Overall Place

Click on this check box and MM will award points to Athletes and Relays that have been seeded in the Fastest Heat ONLY.  For example, if an Athlete in the 3rd fastest heat runs the fastest time, he/she is not eligible for first place points or awards. This is used primary in Summer type recreation leagues.


Score "A" Relay Only

Click on this check box and MM will only allow "A" Relays to score points.


Exhibition marks receive finals rank

There are several ways to declare a result as exhibition:

Enter an X in front of the mark when entering results or click the exhibition check box next to the result.

Go to Athlete / Edit Athlete, select status and select exhibition for the athlete.  This makes the athlete exhibition for all events.

Go to Team / Edit Team, select status and select exhibition for the team of the athlete.  This makes all athletes for this team exhibition for all events.


If you check "exhibition marks receive a finals rank", exhibition results will keep their order of finish place and will be eligible for awards, but will not receive team points. If you do not check "exhibition marks receive a finals rank", exhibition results will be moved to the bottom of the results list and will not have a finish place and will not receive awards or team points.


Treat foreign athletes as exhibition

If you have a meet where foreigners can compete, but are ineligible for points, check the box. Note that exhibition marks never receive team points. To declare that an athlete is a foreigner, go to Athletes / Edit Athletes / Status. The drop down menu offers three choices:  Exhibition, Foreigner, and Normal.  Highlight Foreigner. All reports and results will place an asterisk in front of the athlete name making it easy to know who is a foreigner unless you have not checked "Show athlete status with name" in Report Preferences.


Allow Foreign Athletes' Point Scores to Count Toward Team Scores

Click on this check box and MM will allow Foreign Athlete's Scores to be totaled for Team Points. Click here to find How To Declare Foreign Athletes.


Maximum Scorers per Team per Event

Enter the max number of scored places for Individual and Relay events you will permit a Team to place.  This feature prevents the larger teams from totally dominating the scoring.  Leave these two fields "blank" if you do not wish to restrict scoring in this way.


Top How Many for Award Labels

Enter the number of Place/Finish Award Labels you wish to print for Individual and Relay events.  For example, enter 8 and MM will print an Award Label for the top 8 finishers in each event.  The value you enter here will be the default value when you actually Print the Award labels.  From the Award Labels Menu, you can adjust this to be a range of places, such as 4th through 7th only.


Maximum per Team that Advance from Prelims to Finals

Enter the max number of athletes and relays from each Team that can advance to finals.  This feature prevents a team from totally dominating the scoring.  Leave these two fields "blank" if you do not wish to restrict the advancement this way.


Include 1/4 Relay Points with Individual High Point scores

In addition to team scores, points scored by individuals can be added up using Reports / Scores.  Each person's listing will show how many points were scored in field events and running events.  You can also show what events points were scored in. At this point, you have the choice to include 1/4 of relay points in the individual scores.