Run a Disability Meet

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Generally, a Disability Meet has numerous classifications for different types and levels of disability. Each event result is sorted by the classification and so there are multiple first and second places in each event. In MEET MANAGER for Track & Field, we call this "classification" a Division.  You can assign a different division to each entry in order to handle the fact that one person may be in several different disability classifications, depending on the event.


Here is a list of steps for you to follow to setup a Disability Meet.


1.Click Set-up from the Main Menu Bar and then Meet Set-up. Under Meet Type, click the by Entry radio button under Divisions and under Class, click the Other radio button. Click OK to close the Meet Set-up Menu.


2.Click Set-up from the Main Menu Bar, click Divisions/Region Names, and click Divisions. You can set-up any number of Divisions with a two-character abbreviation and up to 20 characters for the description. For example, you might make the abbreviation for one disability be 10 and the description be S10.


3.From the Events Menu, create the events as Open events.


4.In order to assign a disability Division to an entry, use the Athletes Menu after the athlete is entered in events. At the bottom of the Athlete Menu, the events are listed and those events in yellow are entered events. Click under the column labeled Div and a drop down list with the Divisions will appear for you to pick from.


5.In order to assign a disability Division to a relay, use the Relays Menu. At the bottom of the Relay Menu, double click any team to enter a relay for that team. After a relay is entered, click under the column labeled Div and a drop down list with the Divisions will appear for you to pick from.


That's it!  Now when you Run and Score the Meet, MM will automatically break out Place/Finish Scoring based on the disability Divisions you have specified for each entry.