Sessions Report

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From the Main Menu Bar, click on Reports / Sessions and MM will display a window like the one shown here.

After you have set up your Sessions and set up your schedule of events within each session, you will want to print a list of the information about each Session so that you can post it with or without a Time-Line. Click Here to find out How To Set up a Session schedule.

Pick one or more sessions from the Session List by clicking the first column check box.

Customize your report by checking the appropriate items below.  

If you are printing multiple sessions, you may want to select Separate page each session.

If you are combining events, you may also want to Exclude events with no entries.

You have the option to separate each session into running, field event, and combined event sections.

To include the meet qualifying marks with each event, check the Include Qualifying Marks check box. If an event is multi-age group, it will split the event to show the qualifying times for each age group.

To include Event Comments, check the Include Event Comments check box.

The Flat HTML choice creates an HTML file instead of a report. This format is a very clean and simple style that is easy to read and to upload to a web site.

The Session Report also shows projected heat/flight count for events that are unseeded. These unseeded counts are indicated with a "u" after the number of heats - for example 4u for 4 heats/flights.

