Administrative Report

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From the Main Menu Bar, click on Reports / Administrative and MM will display the Administrative Reports menu screen.

The Entries / Declarations Statistics report details the number of entries in each event, the number that were not scratched (or if in Declaration mode, the number declared) and the number who actually competed. It also provides statistics on how many athletes were in 1 event, 2 events, 3 events, etc.

The Award Counts report can help you in determining how many awards to order for the meet. For relays, it figures that you will need 4 awards per relay. The report will indicate whether the maximum number of awards is listed or whether it is using the actual entries to count the awards.




Entries / Declarations Statistics

This report details the number of entries in each event, the number that were not scratched (or if in Declaration mode, the number declared) and the number who actually competed. It also provides statistics on how many athletes were in 1 event, 2 events, 3 events, etc.