Import Entries from a Semi-Colon Delimited File

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A semi-colon delimited format is available for importing entries, relays, rosters, and addresses.  Semi-Colon Delimited Import was created as a courtesy to our users for importing entry/roster data into MM in a plain text file.


If you wish to use this feature, please note that HY-TEK does not support semi-colon delimited import other than the guidance provided below.


To import, click File / Import / Semi-Colon Delimited Rosters/Entries File. When importing using the semi-colon delimited format, if a mark is out of range and you answer "No" to use the mark, the athlete, team, and mark will be listed on the Exception Report.  If an athlete's first name is missing, this too will be listed on the exception report.  And thirdly, when importing, the last directory used for the import file will become the default directory for the next import.


There are five file types:

I = Information Record (25 fields separated by semi-colons)

D = Individual Entry Record (20 fields separated by semi-colons)

E = Individual Entry Record (15 fields separated by semi-colons)

Q = Relay Entry Record (15 or more fields separated by semi-colons)

R = Relay Entry Record (10 or more fields separated by semi-colons)


It is preferred that the D file type be used instead of the E file type and that the Q file type be used instead of the R file type. These newer D and Q file types contain more information.



1.If no information for a given field, leave it blank, but include the semi-colon.
2.Each record must be followed by a carriage return & line feed.
3.If at any point in a record, all remaining fields in the record are blank, it can be ended with a carriage return without all the extra semi-colons.
4.For each athlete there can be one information record. You create one E record or D record for each individual entry. The 2nd thru 10th fields of both the I, D and E record types are identical. One relay per relay entry record with up to 8 relay runner names.
5.The order of each record makes no difference.
6.For each I, D or E record for the same athlete, fields 2 through 8 must be the same.
7.The I record is optional and thus not required.


Data        Max                        Notes for the I Record

1        I                1        Information Record

2        Last Name                20        (Required)

3        First Name                20        (Required)

4        Initial                1

5        Gender                1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

6        Birth Date                10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

7        Team Code                4        4 character max; use UNA if unknown (Required)

8        Team Name                30        Use Unattached if unknown (Required)

9        Age                3        Optional if birth date provided

10        School Year                2        (Optional)

11        Address line 1                30

12        Addr 2 / Province                30

13        City                30

14        State                3        state code for USA, Canada, Australia, etc.

15        Zip                10

16        Country                3        use country code, such as USA, GER, AUS

17        Citizen Country                3        use country code, such as FRA, CAN, BRA

18        Home Phone                20

19        Office Phone                20

20        Fax #                20

21        Shirt size                4        S, M, L, XL, etc.

22        Registration #                15

23        Competitor #                5

24        E-mail                30

25        Disabled classification        20        If using two disabled classifications, then separate each code with a space, e.g. F20 T20


Example:   I; Doe; John; P; M; 09/07/1947; USA; United States; ; ;3395 West Street; Suite 101; Sullivan; ME; 04664; USA; USA; 207-422-6243; ; ; XL; 49-345-6789;296; [Carriage Return]


 Data        Max        Notes for the D Record

1        D        1        Individual Entry Record

2        Last Name        20        (Required)

3        First Name        20        (Required)

4        Initial        1        (Optional)

5        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

6        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

7        Team Code        4        4 characters max; use UNA if unknown (Required)

8        Team Name        30        Use Unattached if unknown (Required)

9        Age        3        Age is optional if birth date provided

10        School Year        2        (Optional)

11        Event Code        10        Examples: 100, 5000S, 10000W, SP, HJ, DEC

12        Entry Mark        11        Time: (1:23.44.55, 1:19.14, 58.83, 13.4h)

                 Field Metric: 12.33, 1233;

                 English: 12-10.25", 12', 121025

                 Combined-event: 3020 (points)

13        Event measure        1        M for Metric, E for English (Required)

14        Event Division        2        A Division number; Optional; For JV, Varsity, Bantam, etc.

15        Competitor #        5        Optional

16        Finish Place        2        Place from prior round if an advancer (optional)

17        Declaration Status        1        D = Declared, S = Scratched, A = Alive, blank = Undeclared (optional)

18        Entry Note        60        (Optional)

19        Not in use        1        Leave blank

20        Alternate        1        (Optional) Y=Is Alternate


Example: D;Smith;Bob;;M;;PT;Park Tudor;;;800;2:05.0;M;;;;D;;;Y;


 Data        Max        Notes for the E Record

1        E        1        Individual Entry Record

2        Last Name        20        (Required)

3        First Name        20        (Required)

4        Initial        1        (Optional)

5        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

6        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

7        Team Code        4        4 characters max; use UNA if unknown (Required)

8        Team Name        30        Use Unattached if unknown (Required)

9        Age or Comp #        5        Age is optional if birth date provided; or enter comp#

10        School Year        2        (Optional)

11        Event Code        10        Examples: 100, 5000S, 10000W, SP, HJ, DEC

12        Entry Mark        11        Time: (1:23.44.55, 1:19.14, 58.83, 13.4h)

                 Field: Metric: 12.33, 1233;

                 English: 12-10.25", 12', 121025

                 Combined-event: 3020 (points)

13        Event measure        1        M for Metric, E for English (Required)

14        Event Div or        2        A Division number; Optional; For JV, Varsity, Bantam, etc.

                 Finish Place or can be the finish place from prior round of advancers

15        Alternate        1        Optional Y=Is Alternate


Example:  E;Doe;John;P;M;09/07/1947;HURR;Hurricane High School;;;SP;21.23;M;[CRLF]


Notes for Individual Events:

1.One D or E record per individual entry; 4 entries for same athlete requires 4 D or E records.
2.For Open meets, birth date and age are not required.
3.For division meets with birth date ranges, birth date is required, but if division number is used, birth date is not required.
4.For division meets without birth date ranges, division number is required.
5.For age group meets, the age is required. However, if the birth date is entered, the age is not required.
6.For meets that are not division meets and where the entries are advancers going to the next higher level meet, the division slot in the E record  can be used for the place finish in the prior round.
7.The competitor number can be entered in the I record or it can be included in the E record in place of the Age (this assumes you are not entering an age). The D record has a separate field for the comp#.


Event Codes

Running Events:Distance without commas, such as 100, 800, 3200, 10000, 1MILE, 2MILE, HMAR half marathon, MAR
Note: For the 800 and longer, MM must have these events setup as Runs. If they are setup as Dashes, they will not be imported.
Hurdle Events:Distance plus H, such as 80H, 400H.
Steeplechase Events:Distance plus S, such as 2000S, 3000S.
Race Walk Events:Distance plus W, such as 5000W, 20000W.
Field Events:HJ High Jump, PV Pole Vault, LJ Long Jump, TJ Triple Jump, SP Shot Put, DT Discus
HT Hammer, JT Javelin, WT Weight Throw, SWT Super Weight Throw
Combined-Events:DEC Decathlon, HEP Heptathlon, IPENT Indoor Pentathlon, OPENT Outdoor Pentathlon, TRI  Triathlon, WPENT Weight Pentathlon, BI Biathlon, TET Tetrathlon, OCT Octathlon


 Data        Max        Note for the Q Record

1        Q        1        Relay Entry Record

2        Team Code        4        4 characters max; use UNA if unknown (Required)

3        Team Name        30        Use Unattached if unknown (Required)

4        Relay Letter        1        A, B, C, etc.

5        Relay Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female, X = Mixed (Required)

6        Relay Age        3        Required for age group meets

7        Event Code        10        Examples: 400, 1600S, 3200D

8        Entry Time        10        Time: (44.55, 4:19.14)

9        Event meas.        1        M for Metric, E for English (Required)

10        Event Division        2        A Division number; Optional; For JV, Varsity, Bantam, etc.

11        Finish Place        2        Place from prior round if an advancer (optional)

12Declaration Status        1        D = Declared, S = Scratched, A = Alive, blank = Undeclared (optional)

13        Entry Note        60        Optional

14        Spare        For future use

15        Spare        For future use

         == Runner number 1 ==

16        R1 Last Name        20

17        R1 First Name        20

18        R1 Initial        1

19        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

20        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

21        Age        5        Age is optional if birth date provided

22        School Year        2        Optional

23        Competitor #        5        Optional

         == Runner number 2 ==

24        R2 Last Name        20

25        R2 First Name        20

26        R2 Initial        1

27        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

28        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

29        Age        5        Age is optional if birth date provided

30        School Year        2        Optional

31        Competitor #        5        Optional

         == Runner end==

 Alternate        1        Optional Y=Is Alternate


== Continue same pattern for runners 3 through 8 ==







 Data        Max        Note for the R Record

1        R        1        Relay Entry Record

2        Team Code        4        4 characters max; use UNA if unknown (Required)

3        Team Name        30        Use Unattached if unknown (Required)

4        Relay Letter        1        A, B, C, etc.

5        Relay Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female, X = Mixed (Required)

6        Relay Age        3        Required for age group meets

7        Event Code        10        Examples: 400, 1600S, 3200D

8        Entry Time        10        Time: (44.55, 4:19.14)

9        Event meas.        1        M for Metric, E for English (Required)

10        Event Div or        2        A Division number; Optional; For JV, Varsity, Bantam, etc.

                 Finish Place or can be the finish place from prior round of advancers

         == Runner number 1 ==

11        R1 Last Name        20

12        R1 First Name        20

13        R1 Initial        1

14        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

15        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

16        Age or Comp#        5        Age is optional if birth date provided; or enter competitor#

17        School Year        2        (Optional)

         == Runner number 2 ==

18        R2 Last Name        20

19        R2 First Name        20

20        R2 Initial        1

21        Athlete Gender        1        M = Male, F = Female (Required)

22        Birth Date        10        MM/DD/YYYY (Optional)

23        Age or Comp#        5        Age is optional if birth date provided; or enter competitor#

24        School Year        2        (Optional)

         == Runner end==

 Alternate        1        Optional Y=Is Alternate


== Continue same pattern for runners 3 through 8 ==






Notes for Relays:

1.        For Open meets, relay age is not required.

2.        For division meets, event division is required.

3.        For age group meets, the age is required.

4. The competitor number can be entered in the I record or it can be included in the R record in place of the Age for each runner (this assumes you are not entering an age). The Q record has separate fields for the comp#'s.


Relay Event Codes

Regular relays:        Just the distance without commas, such as 400 for 4x100, 1600 for 4x400, 4 for 4Mile relay.

Sprint Medley relay:        Distance plus S, such as 1600S.

Distance Medley relays:        Distance plus D, such as 3200D.

Shuttle Hurdle relay:        Distance plus H, such as 240H.