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From the Main Menu bar, click on File / Entry/Scoring Preferences / CC/RR.




Cross Country  - See How to Run a Cross Country Meet


Minimum runners to qualify as a team

Enter a number from two to nine (usually 5).

Number of runners that score from each team

Enter a number from two to nine (usually 5).  Scoring is computed by adding up the finish places of the runners taking into account displacers.


Maximum displacers per team

This can be from 0 to 99.  Usually it will be two or three.  If dynamic scoring, then enter 99.


Non-Team runners displace other runners

Non-Team runners, also known as non-scoring runners, are considered those that belong to a team abbreviation that has the first 3 characters of the Team Abbreviation as "UN-". These are also runners who belong to teams that do not have enough runners to score as a team.


Dynamic multiple team scoring

Dynamic team scoring means that one team/school is really comprised of multiple teams. For example, suppose one team has 15 runners competing and the team size is 5. After results are entered, this school will be dynamically put into an A, B, and C teams with the best 5 finishers on the A team, the next best 5 on the B team, and the last 5 on the C team.


Penalty points to add to each team short of scoring runners

This is only used if you have set the minimum number of runners needed to score at less than the normal number. You can add a penalty score for each athlete that the team is short. Enter a penalty from 0 to 999. For example, if 5 runners are to score for each team, but teams are allowed to score with 4 runners, then add the penalty score for the missing runner.


Road Race Team Scoring


Default number of runner times to be added for team scoring

Enter a number from two to six. Usually this is five. Scoring is computed by adding up the finish times of the runners. Note, however, that each event has its own setting for the number of runners to use.


Note: If your class of meet is Masters/Veterans, then you decide how many runners are required per team (2 to 6). Assuming you choose three (3) as the team size, the team scoring rules for cross country and road racing would be as follows:

Teams must consist of 3 people. Teams with less than 3 runners will not be scored. If a team has more than 3 runners in an Age Group, then the best 3 will be scored.

Team scores are computed by adding the times of the top three runners for each team.

Teams are ranked by their total team time.