Advancement Rules

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Advancement rules determine how an athlete or relay advances from one round to the next round if there is more than one round:


Field EventsRunning Events                Combined-Events

Mark                Time only        Not Applicable

                 Place and Time


If you choose Place and Time for a running event, then a formula must be determined as to how many will advance by place and how many will advance by time. This formula depends on how many people are in the event, how many lanes are being used, and the guidelines set by your rule book. The formula will be set by you when the actual seeding is done from the Seeding Menu. Just before seeding a particular event, you will be shown how many entries are to be seeded. Then you will answer how many heats will be in the next round. This will determine how many advance. Then a list of all possible advancement formulas will be displayed and you select the appropriate one per your rule book. For example, suppose there are 70 athletes entered in the 100 meters on a 9 lane track. This creates 8 heats. If there are to be 3 heats in the semifinal round, 27 will advance and all the possible advancement formulas are:


 1                Top 3 and next  3 best times

 2                Top 2 and next 11 best times

 3                Top 1 and next 19 best times

 4                Top 0 and next 27 best times


IAAF rules would call for selecting choice 1.