Meet Results Report |
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The Meet Results Report is designed to produce a report of the meet results of any meet in your Database. Click on Reports then Meet Reports and Meet Results and select a specific meet from the meet list. This report will match the information in the Meet Results Browser. Or, you can click on the
Report Filters This report offers the standard Age Group, Gender, Team, Group, Subgroup, WM Group, WM Subgroup, and School Year filters as well as the LSC filter and the following specific report filters.
Sess/Div Filters Click on the Sess/Div tab and filter the events that are included in this report by a specific Session or by a specific Event Division. For example, you might want to print this report for only Session 2 of the meet.
Meet Round To display meet results from a specific round, all rounds, or the best time from all the rounds swum in the event for this one meet, you may choose All, Finals Only, Prelims Only, Semis Only, or Best.
Splits Choose to display no splits, Cumulative or "running" splits, Subtractive or "lap" splits, CumSubt for both, Legal splits, or Stroke Rate. For example in a 400 for a LCM event, the 50, 100, 200, and 400 would be "legal" splits. Click Here for more information on how to enter Splits or Stroke Rate information.
Individual or Relay Click on the Individual or Relay check box to display meet results for just the Individual or Relay events for this meet. Or click on the Individual and Relays check box for both.
Relay Lead-Offs Click on the Include Relay Lead-Offs check box and TM will include any Relay Lead
Include Reaction Times Click on the Include Reaction Time check box and TM will include the Reaction Times imported from MEET MANAGER.
Include DQ Codes Click on the Include DQ Codes check box and TM will include the DQ codes that were imported form HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER.
Stroke/Distance Filter the report for a specific stroke or distance by clicking on the Stroke and/or Distance menu box and making the appropriate selection.
Include Inactive To include Inactive swimmers in this report, please click on the Include Inactive check box.
Personal Bests Only To only list meet results if a swimmer has achieved a "personal best", please click on the Personal Best check box and whether or not you wish to include "First Time Swims" as a Personal Best.
Include Team Point Total Choose this selection and TM will total points scored by each swimmer or relay and display that total on the last page of the report. This feature is available only if a Team is selected for the Team filter.
Include Birth Date Choose this selection when the report is sorted by Name to include each Swimmer's birth date. If you want to publish this information and consider the birth date confidential information, then print the report with this box NOT checked.
Include Registration ID Choose this selection when the report is sorted by Name to include each Swimmer's Registration ID. If you want to publish this information and consider the Registration ID confidential information, then print the report with this box NOT checked.
Include DQs Only Choose this selection and TM will show ONLY DQs for this meet. Also click on Include DQ Codes and TM will detail the DQ codes for each DQ assuming they have been imported from HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER.
Keep Athletes / Events Together Choose this selection and TM will not split Athletes or Events across a page break.
Don't Show Totals Choose this selection and TM will not display each swimmer's age on this report.
Improvement The Meet Results Report will automatically calculate improvement for each of the swims in this meet. This "standard" improvement is based on all the times in your Database that match the course of this meet. For example, if this meet is a yard meet, TM will look ONLY at other yard meets. If you want TM to use meets other than those that match the course of this meet, then click on the Use Converted Times for Calculating Improvement check box. If you wish to filter the meets that are used to calculate improvement, enter a Since Date and then click on the Use Since Date for Improvement check box and TM will use ONLY those meets with a start date later than the Since Date that you specified. You can option choose NOT to show improvement or show Improvement as a percent instead of a time.
Time Standards Specify a Time Standard then click on the Include Time Standards check box and TM will tag each results with the appropriate Time Standard designator. For example, 2:34.56 AA. Click on the Include Only Improved STD and TM will include only those results in which the Swimmer improved from one Time STD to the next one - for example from B to A. Swimmers who achieved a Time Standard for the first time will also be included. If you want to include swimmers who achieved a Time STD even though it's a first time swim, choose both the Personal Bests ONLY and First Time Swims check boxes.
Points Click on the Points tab and then choose one of the special point systems - HY-TEK Age Group Points (Yards, SC and LC Meters), HY-TEK Single Year (Yards, SC and LC Meters), HY-TEK Open Points (Yards, SC and LC Meters), NISCA Points (High School Yard meets), LEN Points (SC and LC Meters), AUS Points (Swimming Australia - LC Meters), SNZ Points (Swimming New Zealand - LC Meters), or FINA Points (SC and LC Meters). These points will be displayed next to each result time.
Sort Options This report can be sorted by:
•Meet Event Number •Name •Name (1 per page)
Memorize Report Click on the Memorize Report icon and TM will give you the option to "name" this particular report that will include your specific filters and report customization options. Then when you want to run this report again, just click on Reports from the Main Menu bar and then Memorized Reports and click on the "name" you gave this report and TM will display the report menu "filled in" with the options and filters you previously saved.
Click on the Create Report button and TM will provide a preview of this report. You can click on the Export icon at the top of the Print Preview screen to export the report in various formats like PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, CSV, etc. And you can click on the Printer icon and TM will print the report to the selected printer.
File Export Click on the File Export button at the bottom of the menu and TM will give you the option to export Meet results in any of the following formats.