Scores Report - Standard Events |
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From the Main Menu Bar or from the Run Screen Menu Bar, click on Reports / Scores and MM will display the Scores Report screen. •Click the Standard Events radio button to display only the Standard Events. •In order for MM to print any totals from the Reports / Scores menu, the only eligible events are those that have been scored and have the status of "Scored". Just "Done" events are not included. If real team points are not being used, then simply set all team points in Setup / Scoring Setup to zero and in the Run Menu score each event anyway so that the status changes to "Scored". •Customize your report by choosing from the Gender Choices list. For Team Scores, click on Combined if Both Score for USA Swimming type meets in which a Team is eligible to score Combined Team Points ONLY if they have scored points in BOTH gender events. Also see the Grouping / Options panel at the bottom of this page. •Click on the Use Athletes Age radio button and then click on the Age Criteria button to request that MM group Individual High Point Scores according to age groups. If you want swimmers that swam-up to be included in their age range totals, click on the Include Swim-up and Senior Events check box. For example, check this box of you want points included that were scored by any 11-12 year olds that also swam in 13 & Over or Senior events. You can choose to total Individual High Points using the standard event points or by using Spec Pts such as HY-TEK Points. •For British meets, check BAGCATS and check Spec Pts to get totals for Individual Results grouped by British Age Group Categories. In order to score BAGCATS, FINA Points must be selected in Setup / Entry Scoring Preferences. According to ASA guidelines, BAGCATS are computed using first round times only which means only times done in prelims or in timed final events will be used. Note also that Exhibition swims will not be included in the BAGCAT totals. •If in the Meet Set-up, you declared the Meet Style as 3+ Double Dual, MM will print Team Scores based on the team pairings you specified in the Entry/Scoring Preferences section. •The Flat HTML choice creates an HTML file instead of a report. This format is a very clean and simple style that is easy to read and to upload to a web site. •To Memorize a given set of report settings, click Memorize or click the Memorize con
Please Note You can also include Team Scores with every Event Results Report. From the Run Menu, click on Preferences then Results for List and Score and select your preference Combined Team Scores or the Team Score matching the gender of the event. Men's/Boy's Team Scores will be printed after each Men's/Boy's event and Women's/Girl's Team Scores will be printed after each Women's/Girl's event when clicking Score Event in the Run. This is a great feature for Dual meets.
From Reports / Results you can also have team scores printed at the end of a complete set of results. Your choices are Combined, Male, and/or Female scores.
Grouping / Options •If you want MM to group Team or Individual High Point Scores by Team Regions, click on the By Region radio button under the Grouping panel and MM will total scores and group and rank them within each Region. You declare what Region a Team is in when you originally setup the Team. If you want MM to group Team Scores by LSCs (really regions for USA Swimming), click on the By LSC radio button under the Grouping panel and MM will total Team Scores and group and rank them within each LSC. You declare the LSC for a Team in the Teams Menu. •If you want MM to group Team Scores by Divisions, click on the By Division radio button under the Grouping panel and MM will total Team Scores and group and rank them within each Division. You declare what Division a Team is in when you originally setup the Team. This option is only available if the Meet Type in Meet Setup is set to Divisions by Event or Divisions by Teams. •You may also limit the report to show only the Top 10 Individuals or Top 20 Teams, for example, by entering a number in the List Top How Many text box. •If individual high point is limited to using only say the best 5 scores for each individual out of all events entered, enter 5 in the Limit Individual High Point to Best Scores in This Many Events text box. •If using Special Points for Team Scores or Individual Scores, you can limit the scoring to only those who score higher than a given place. To do this, enter a number such as 8 or 16 in the Limit Finish Places for Points When Using Special Points. •A new idea in Team Scoring is to use the Quality Club Scoring method which ranks teams by the average score of each athlete. This method is one way to allow small teams to compete with large teams. If a team has less than the number of swimmers in the text box for Quality Club Scoring minimum athletes required, the team is not included in these rankings. There is a second option for the Quality Club Scoring and this is to only count athletes who score in an individual event or in a relay. This option is designed to not discourage teams from entering their slowest athletes. •When creating an Individual High Point report, you can check the box to Include point break-out which shows exactly how the point totals were calculated. •Check the Separate Pages check box on the Format tab to force each High Point age group or gender to start on an new page. •If BAGCAT Points are being scored, according to the new rules for 2015, you have the option to include the best 100 for 10 year olds and for 11 year old boys. In 2016 the best 100 will be mandatory.