Seeding Rules

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From the Main Menu bar, click Set-up / Seeding Preferences and click on Seeding Rules.




Allow Foreign athletes in Final - Check this box if you wish Foreign athletes to compete in the finals; otherwise, Foreign Athletes will be treated as Exhibition and will not advance to Finals and will not receive awards.  All reports and results will place an asterisk in front of the athlete name, making it easy to know who is a foreigner.


Allow Exhibition athletes in Final - Check this box if you wish Exhibition athletes to compete in the finals; otherwise, these Athletes will be treated as Exhibition and will not advance to Finals and will not receive awards.  All reports and results will place an x in front of the athlete name, making it easy to know who is exhibition.


Seed Exhibition athletes last - Check this box if you wish to seed Exhibition Athletes last regardless of entry time/mark.


Note: Exhibition athletes are denoted by entering an X in front of their mark in final round events. This will keep the results intact, but will prevent the exhibition athlete from getting a score if team points are being awarded. If a given athlete's status is exhibition as designated by his/her status as entered in the Athlete Menu, he /she will automatically have an X placed in front of the results mark in final round events.


Apply NCAA rule 5-11-3b - If the meet is set-up as an NCAA meet, then you can apply NCAA rule 5-11-3b: A final round, contested as a result of Rule 5-10.4f (eight competitors advancing when the facility has fewer than eight usable lanes), shall be contested in two sections formed by seeding competitors from the ranked advancement list, using the following heat assignments and using lanes three through six:


Section 1

Section 2










Apply NCAA rule 5-11-3a - If the meet is set-up as an NCAA meet, then you can apply NCAA rule 5-11-3a: A preliminary round that has advancement to the final based on time only shall be formed by seeding competitors from the performance list, left to right only throughout the heats. Draw heat order by lot:


Heat 1 

Heat 2

Heat 3














Use special Random Select Method for Seeding (creates athlete/relay slots) - Checking this box makes the meet a Random Select meet whereby each team is given a certain number of entries for each event and those entries are randomly seeded in each event. Caution is advised because seeding with this method deletes all existing entries and replaces them with the computer generated entries.