Run a Dual Meet

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A Dual Meet is a One Round Meet in which only two teams compete.  There are basically two ways to seed a Dual Meet - let MM seed one team into the even numbered lanes and the other team into the odd numbered lanes, or manually Seed the meet.  But for College or High School dual meets, many times the coach does not declare who is competing in an event until right before the event begins.  In this case, you would want to manually Seed the event.


Here is a list of steps for you to follow to setup a Dual Meet.


1.Click on Set-up from the Main Menu Bar and then Meet Set-up and click on the 2 Team Dual radio bar under the Meet Style Heading  - then click OK.


2.If you plan on letting MM do an even/odd lane seeding, click on Set-up from the Main Menu Bar and then Seeding Preferences under the 2 Team Dual Meets Heading and optionally select either Even/Odd Seeding or Strict Even/Odd Assignment.  The difference in the "Strict Even/Odd" selection being that MM will not "break" the Even/Odd criteria assignment to combine heats.  For example, one Team has 12 athletes and the other has 3.


3.If you have selected Even/Odd Lane Seeding, now enter which Team will be assigned the Even lanes and which Team will be assigned the Odd Lanes.


Please Note

If you plan to Manually Seed your meet, or you do not want Even/Odd Lane Seeding, then do not click on either of the Even/Odd check boxes.