Relay Names Ctrl-R Selection

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From the Run Screen, click on the Relay Names button or press Ctrl-R to display the screen shown below.

From this menu, an entire heat of relay names can be entered. Just select a relay from the Relay Teams list and put in the relay names in the Relay Order list.

Use the top left and right arrow buttons to move back and forth between heats.

If the event is an age group event, say 11-12, the Eligible Athletes list will only contain 11 and 12 year olds. If athletes younger than 11 are eligible, then check the Show Age-ups check box and all athletes 12 and under will be displayed.

You have three ways to assign an Athlete to a position on a Relay Team:

1.Click and drag an athlete from the Eligible Athletes list and drop into the Relay Order list.
2.Double-Click on an eligible Athlete and MM will automatically assign him/her to the next available slot for the Relay.
3.Type in the competitor number in the Relay Order list.

When done, click Exit icon Icon-Exit at the top left.

