MM Product Options

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MM is available in three Meet Packages: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.


The Bronze includes the Startup module plus the Seeding Option.

The Silver includes the Bronze + Cross Country / Road Race and Multi-Age Group Options.

The Gold includes the Silver +  4 Standard Options: Combined Event Option, Administrative Labels Option, Award Label Option, and Age Grading Option.


There are four Interface modules which can be added to the above three packages: Photo Finish Interfaces, Alphanumeric Scoreboard Interfaces, Field Lynx Interface, and Button Finish Interfaces.   A fifth module is the Pro option that provides two capabilities - multi-user network capabilities and real-time results to the web. Click Here for more information about the Pro option.


HY-TEK recommends the following packages based on the particular meet you are running.


High School, College, IAAF, or USATF Track Meet: Bronze; if there are Combined-Events such as Pentathlon, Heptathlon, etc., the Gold package is required. Other recommended options: Photo Finish Interface.


Masters/WMA Track Meet: Silver; if there are Combined-Events such as Pentathlon, Heptathlon, etc., the Gold package is required. If Age Grading or Admin Labels are needed, the Gold package is required. Other recommended options: Photo Finish Interface.


Cross Country Meets: Silver; If a button timer is being used, the Button Finish Interface is recommended.


Standard Options


Seeding Option

This option is included in all packages and is needed for most meets and allows the computer to create heats for running events, and flights for field events. It also allows computerized creation of heats for advancement to the next round. This option enables the printing of heat sheets, finish line sheets, and field event score sheets.


Combined-Event Option

This option totally computerizes the running of any combined-event, whether it be decathlon, heptathlon, pentathlon, triathlon, or weight pentathlon. No manual look-up of scoring tables! Every IAAF combined-event table is included in this option. Tables are also included for AAU Youth Athletics, USATF Youth Athletics, and Alberta Canadian Youth Events.  The ability to do age-graded combined-events is also available if the Age Grading Option is included.


Multi-Age Group Option

This option is for Masters/Veterans age group meets and road races such as 10k's and marathons.  It permits entering males and females in the same event, and lets the computer separate the results into up to 20 male and 20 female age groups!

Please Note: Youth Athletics using Divisions do not need this option.


Administrative Labels

This option permits the printing of 4 types of labels: mailing labels, competitor labels, registration labels, and tag labels. Mailing labels can be printed for teams or athletes. Competitor labels can be attached to a larger bib. Tag labels include one label for every individual entry and every relay. Tag labels are usually pulled at the finish line, and there is space on each tag label to write in the result. There are numerous label sizes available for mailing, competitor, and tag labels.  Registration labels are printed on larger labels and include one for each athlete with his/her events listed and one label for each relay.


Award Label Option

This option allows for the printing of an award label for various kinds of criteria - each of the top finishers in an event, Standard breakers, top heat finishers, etc. This option allows the printing of an award label for each of the top finishers in an event while simultaneously printing results, assuming two printers are hooked up.


Age Grading Option

This feature is for Masters/Veterans meets and automatically displays an age graded mark and an age graded percentile for athletes 30 and over. The option uses the 1994 WAVA Age-Graded Tables and any revisions since.


Cross Country / Road Racing Scoring Option

This option will score any cross country meet by team, while taking into account displacers. The number of athletes per team and number of displacers can be customized. The Cross Country Option also provides "Dynamic Team Scoring". The Road Racing scoring is for Masters/Veterans meets in which teams are ranked by the cumulative team time of the best runners from each team (team size can be 2 to 6).




Photo Finish Interface:

This option allows the photo finish computer and the MM computer to exchange start lists and results. The primary mode of communication is via RS232 cable connecting the two computers through serial ports. Currently, HY-TEK interfaces with FinishLynx, Omega Hawk Eye, and MacFinish.


Scoreboard Interface:

This option allows the alphanumeric scoreboard computer to be driven by HY-TEK's MM. Currently HY-TEK interfaces with various Daktronics Venus fixed digit and full matrix scoreboards, Fairtron fixed digit and full matrix scoreboards, OLYMPEX full matrix scoreboards, Trans-Lux/ISE full matrix scoreboards, and IDS full matrix scoreboards, and Colorado Time Systems Matrix Scoreboard. HY-TEK has a generic scoreboard output which any scoreboard vendor can use. Call for an updated list of scoreboard vendors interfacing with Hy-Tek.


Button Finish Interface:

This option allows the after race downloading of Cross Country and Road Race times from the Time Machine, the Time Tech Sprint 8, the Chronomix 737, the Nielsen-Kellerman Interval 2000XC Watch, the Omega Power Time, and the Ultrak L10. In addition, Chip Device text files can be imported and FinishLynx result .lif files can be imported. For track meets, results for in-lane races only can be downloaded from the Time Machine, the Time Tech Sprint 8, the Omega Power Time, and the Ultrak L10.


Field Lynx Interface:

This option permits the Field Lynx hardware and the MM computer to exchange start lists and results. The mode of communication can via USB to serial or via network file sharing.


Bar code reading and printing is also included in the Button Finish Interface. The bar code reader should be the type that plugs into the keyboard port. These readers usually have a plug-in adaptor called a "wedge". Bar codes can be printed on various size labels and are Code 39 or Code 3 of 9 format.


To find out what options are included in your MM release, click on Help / About and MM will display the options you currently have configured.  If you need additional options, just call or Email the HY-TEK Sales Office or order Online at