Meet Types - Helpful Tips

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There are three major categories of meets that MM can run:


1.Track & Field
2.Cross Country
3.Road Races


Important Tips


If you are unsure about any aspect of MM, look in the index of this User Guide for a reference to your question before calling HY-TEK or use your MM Desk Top Help.


Most of the time, you will set-up field events with one round.

For example, in the Long Jump, the score sheets have 3 columns for preliminary attempts, and then 3 more columns for the finalists' attempts. The field officials will enter all marks for preliminaries on the score sheets, figure out who the finalists are, and continue on entering marks for the finalists. When you get the score sheets from the field officials, go to the Run Menu and enter only the best mark for each athlete and break any ties by clicking JD for Judges'  Decision.  Use the field series to enter all of the attempts.


As soon as you start the software, familiarize yourself with all parts of the Set-up Menu. Also be sure to check and understand the Standard Lane Preferences and the Randomization Rules found in the Seeding Preferences section of the Set-up Menu.  HY-TEK suggests you first go through all sections of the Set-up, especially Meet Set-up, Athlete Preferences, Entry/Scoring Preferences, Report Preferences, and Scoring Set-up.  Then follow this normal sequence of procedures.


Enter events in the Events Menu.

Use the Athlete Menu to add Athletes along with their entries and relays.

Go to Reports, print Entry Lists by team; print Performance Lists for proofing the data entry.

Seed the first round using the Seeding Menu.  The Scratch Pad is handy for eliminating "No Shows".

Go to Reports Menu, print Meet Program and Finish Line Heat Sheets. Print a Field Score Sheet for every flight.

Enter results from the Run Menu, click List to list results, or Score Event to list results and score for team points. For events with more than one round, after entering results, go to the Seeding Menu, select the Event/Round and click Start Seeding. Click on Meet Program to print the start list for the next round.

At the end of meet, print complete Meet Results from the Reports Menu, in single, double, or triple column, or AP format.



Tips for High School or College Track & Field Meets


Select High School or College for Meet Class. In general, set-up your meet with a Meet Type of Standard and do not concern yourself with Divisions. You do NOT need Divisions to separate men from women. However, if you have separate Divisions for Varsity and Junior Varsity or 1A, 2A, 3A, etc., then you will need to go to the Meet Set-up and change the meet type to Divisions by Event and then set-up Division names. Do not check "Use Division Birth date Ranges."  Note that Division names are attached to events only! They are not attached to schools or athletes. Also go to Seeding Preferences and enter your randomization rules which in many cases would be no randomization for all 3 choices.


Tips for Youth Athletics Track & Field Meets


Select USATF, IAAF, or AAU for Meet Class and select Divisions By Event for Meet Type.  Check the "Use Division Birth date Ranges" check box. Go to the Divisions set-up in the Set-up Menu to enter the proper names and birth date ranges for each Division (such as Midget). These meets require a complete set of events for each of the 5 or 6 Divisions.  Therefore, there may be well over 100 separate events required for boys and over 100 separate events required for girls. It is probably a good idea to group the events together. For example, make events 1 through 10 the 100 meter dash, 11 through 20 the 200 meter dash, etc. Then follow the running events with the field events. A sample of events 1 through 10 for 100 meter might be: 1 - Bantam Girls, 2 - Bantam Boys, 3 - Midget Girls, 4 - Midget Boys, 5 - Youth Girls, 6 - Youth Boys, 7 - Intermediate Girls, 8 - Intermediate Boys, 9 - Young Women's, 10 - Young Men's.  Set-up your Sessions from the Events Menu to create a schedule order of events which is independent of the event number.


Tips for USATF/IAAF Open Track & Field Meets


Select USATF or IAAF for Meet Class and Standard for Meet Type. Ignore Divisions. Set-up one event number for each men's event and one event number for each women's event. List the women's events consecutively and the men's events consecutively or list them in the order they will perform.  However, the Session Set-ups will permit you to create a schedule of events which is independent of the event number.


Tips for Masters/Veterans Track & Field Meets


Select Masters/Veterans for Meet Class and Standard for Meet Type. If you have the Age Grading Option and you want to display age graded results, go to Report Preferences / Formats and check "Show age-graded table conversions". How you set-up your events will depend on whether heats and flights can be seeded with mixed age groups. For example, in small meets, it is inefficient to have 14 separate men's events (one for each age group) for the 100 meter dash if there are only a few competitors in each age group. Instead, set-up one event named 100 meter dash for men using the multi-age group option (you must have the Multi-Age Group Option installed). Use the Seeding Menu to place all entered athletes in heats with no empty lanes, thus reducing the number of heats from 14 to maybe 8. After you enter the results, MM will separate the results into the proper 14 age groups! Age-graded results will be displayed only if this feature is checked in the Report Preferences.  Age graded results must be entered in metric and mixed gender events cannot be age-graded.


Multi-Age Group Option:

Available in the Silver and Gold Package, this option is for Masters/Veterans age group meets and road races such as 10k's and marathons. It permits entering males and females in the same event, and lets the computer separate the results into up to 20 male and 20 female age groups!


Age Grading Option:

Available only in the Gold Package. This feature is for Masters/Veterans meets and automatically displays an age graded mark and an age graded percentile for athletes 30 and over. The option uses the 1994 WAVA Age-Graded Tables and any revisions since.


Cross Country / Road Racing Scoring Option:

Available in the Silver and Gold Package, this option will score any cross country meet by team, while taking into account displacers. The number of athletes per team and number of displacers can be customized. The Cross Country Option also provides "Dynamic Team Scoring". The Road Racing scoring is for Masters/Veterans meets in which teams are ranked by the cumulative team time of the best runners from each team (team size can be 2 to 6).



Tips for Cross Country and Veterans Road Racing Meets


To create a Team Scored Cross Country Event or Team Scored Road Race Event, check the CC or RR check box in the Edit Event section.  Be sure to enter your CC/RR rules in Set-up / Entry/Scoring Preferences / CC/RR.  If Cross Country is checked, in addition to order of finish, you also get team scoring per Cross Country rules. If Road Racing is checked, you also get team scoring with aggregate team times.


Tips for Road Racing


A Road Race can be a regular event, or it can also be a team scored event if you check the RR check box for the event.  If you are running a marathon or a 10K with results broken down into age groups, you will need the Silver or Gold Package. This will enable you to enter every competitor, male or female, in the same event number. After results are entered, they will be compiled into up to 20 age groups for men and 20 for women. If you also want to get an order of finish list without regard to age groups, go back to the Events Menu and uncheck multi-age groups. Then go back to the Run Menu and click List to list the results again.