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Many menus use icons for quick selection of a task. The following set of icons are used throughout MEET MANAGER.


Icon        Description


Icon-Add        Add

Icon-Edit        Edit

Icon-Delete        Delete

Icon-View        Show/Hide Filters

Icon-Print        Print

Icon-Exit        Exit Menu

Icon-SelectAll        Select All

Icon-Undo        Undo, De-Select All, Scratch All, Clear Indicators, Combine Results

Icon-Favorites        Preferences

Icon-MemorizeExport        Memorize Report

Icon-Find        Find

Icon-LayoutSave        Save Grid Layout

Icon-PrintGrid        Print / Preview Grid

Icon-ExportToHTML        Export to HTML

Icon-Contact        Contact Information

Icon-Export        Create Export File

Icon-Events        Events Menu

Icon-AthleteMenu        Athlete Menu

Icon-Relays        Relays Menu

Icon-Teams        Team Menu

Icon-Seeding        Seeding Menu

Icon-Records        Records Menu or Re-Score All Events in Run Menu

Icon-TimeStds        Mark Standards Menu

Icon-Comments        Preview Menu or Event Comments

Icon-Sessions        Sessions Menu or Scratch Pad

Icon-SwimUps        Show/Hide Age Ups

Icon-Copy        Copy Relay Names, Copy Entries

Icon-ScratchBack        Scratch Back

Icon-ScratchForward        Scratch Forward

Icon-Consolidate        Consolidate Meet

Icon-Combine        Combine Event Entries

Icon-StartSeeding        Start Seeding

Icon-Save        Save

Icon-SwitchHeats        Switch Heats

Icon-TeamSplit        Team Split in Preview Menu

Icon-Web        Web Real Time Results Setup

Icon-Reset        Reset Events in Purge Menus

Icon-MoveAll        Move All

Icon-RemoveAll        Remove All