Get Times/Marks F3 Selection

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The Get Times (Get Marks if a field event) button is for retrieving times from a Photo Finish system, a Track Button Timer, or FieldLynx.

The shortcut key for Get Times is F3.

Get Times sends a command to the timer to return the results of a specific event number and heat number which would be the active event and heat in the Run the Meet Menu.

When receiving times from a timer, lanes that have no times because the athlete or relay scratched or missed the race are automatically entered in the Heat List with an NS for No Show.

Get Times is the preferred method for retrieving data as it assumes the timing operator is entering the proper event and heat number for each race.

After the results are received from the Timer, the data is compared with the active event and heat number, the number of athletes or relays in the race, and the lanes used in the race. If any of these do not match, you will be so notified and will have the opportunity to either Accept or Reject the data.

A special feature for FinishLynx in file sharing mode and FieldLynx in either file sharing or serial mode is that for Un-Seeded events, the heats/flights can be created within Lynx. In MM you click Ctrl-H to add a new heat/flight and then click Get Times/Marks to read the heat/flight results and MM will create the heat/flight for you. This assumes the competitors are already entered in MM and have unique competitor numbers. If the event is a relay and the event is Un-Seeded, the Lynx operator must enter the MM relay team abbreviation in the ID field. If you are using a button timer for a CC or a RR event, use the CC/RR selection at the top of Run. Please refer to Photo Finish Interfaces for more information on this feature.