Evaluation Edition

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If this MEET MANAGER product has been provided to you as an Evaluation Edition (or Demo), all the functional capabilities of the production edition are available to you as follows:


When starting a new database, you are limited to the following constraints:

You may enter up to 4 events numbered 1 through 4.

You may enter an unlimited number of athletes or relays in each event.

You may enter an unlimited number of teams.

You may seed events numbered 1 through 4.

You may enter results for events 1 through 4 if there are 25 or fewer athletes entered in an individual event or 8 or fewer relays in a relay event.

Interfaces to photo finish systems and button timers are not permitted in the Evaluation Edition.

Interfaces to score boards are not permitted in the Evaluation Edition.

Reports may be previewed but not printed.


You may restore any completed database and view the contents of those databases, but printing of reports is not permitted. This can be very useful for Administrative officials to check the meet setup before the meet and to review the meet after the meet. Remember, entering results is limited to events 1 through 4 and this can be done only if there are 25 or fewer athletes or 8 or fewer relays in the event.


If you restore a database from a meet that was created by the production version of MEET MANAGER, you may add or edit athletes, relays, and entries for any event, but you will not be able to add new events to the database and you will not be able to enter results, except as listed above under the rules for starting a new database.


Please click Here for information about how to install MEET MANAGER.  Set up a small meet and review all the reports available to you from HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER software.  Your Evaluation Edition includes all the MEET MANAGER basic product options so that you can evaluate what options you may need when you place your order.