High Point Report

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The High Point Report is designed to produce a report based on the meet results of any meet or all meets in your Database filtered by a Since Date or Until Date. The report will total all the Individual Points and optionally Relay points for those selected meets and provide a list of Swimmers sorted based on their total accrued points.


Click on Reports then Performance and High Points and select a specific meet from the meet list or select All Meets.





Report Filters

This report offers the standard Age Group, Gender, Team, Group, Subgroup, WM Group, WM Subgroup, and School Year filters as well as the following specific report filters.



Filter the report for a specific stroke or distance by clicking on the Stroke and/or Distance menu box and making the appropriate selection.



To include Inactive swimmers in this report, please click on the Include Inactive check box.



You may filter the times in this report from a Since Date to an Until Date.  For example, provide High Points for meets between September 1, 2000 and January 31, 2001.


Meet Type

You may choose from the Meet Type selection to include only meets that match that particular type.  You may classify a meet type when you set up the meet.  For example, you may want the High Point report only from "USS" or "YMCA" type meets.


Top How Many

You may optionally filter High Points by specifying how many top swimmers that you wish to include - enter "0" to include ALL Swimmers regardless of how many High Points they accrued.



Include Relay Points

Click on the Include Relay Points check box and TM will include 1/4 of the Relay Points scored in each Relay Event in which the swimmer was declared as one of the 4 relay swimmers.




Click on the Create Report button and TM will provide a preview of this report.  You can click on the Export icon at the top of the Print Preview screen to export the report in various formats like PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, CSV, etc.   And you can click on the Printer icon and TM will print the report to the selected printer.