Import Athletes from a Registration File

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This feature allows you to import the athletes into your MM Database from a semicolon delimited file that has been provided from a National or Regional Registration database. The file extension is RE1.  


Click on File / Import / Registration File.  Tell MM where the file is located and MM will import the athlete's last, first and preferred name, Registration ID, sex, birth date, and team. You may also choose any set of teams that are included in the file to filter only the information that you need for your meet. The feature is currently implemented for LSCs in the United States using USA Swimming's LSC Registration software LSCDB for Swimming.


The file format is as follows:


The first line contains information about the file. The 5 fields are:


File title

Date file created

Created by

Version of software creating the file

LSC code (optional)


All successive lines are for athletes, one line per athlete. The 10 fields are:


USSID or other ID

Last Name

First Name

Middle Initial

Gender (M/F)

Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Team Abbreviation Code (up to 5 characters)

Team Name

Preferred Athlete First Name

Annual Registration (optional, "N" means Year Round, "S" is Seasonal)


A sample of the format with one athlete follows:    


"USA Swimming Registration List";"5/28/2009";"LSCDB for Windows";"1.08";"SE"

"030391JOHFDOEL";"Doel";"John";"J";"F";"03/03/1991";"HURR";"Hurricane Swim Club";"Johnny";"N"