Omega OSM 6 or ARES 21


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Please note that the Omega ARES 21 can be run in either OSM 6 Mode or in the ARES 21 Bi-Directional Mode.  If you plan on using the Ares 21 Bi-Directional mode, make sure the software that is installed on the ARES 21 is version 2.14 or later.


Click on Set-up from the Main Menu Bar and then Timing Console INTERFACE. Now click on the OSM 6/ARES 21 or the ARES 21 Bi-Directional radio button and then OK.  Now click on Run from the Main Menu Bar, click Interfaces then Timer, click Open Serial/Close Port, and choose the COM port that your OSM 6 or ARES 21 is connected to on the HY-TEK computer and then click OK.  Before opening the serial port, you can change the port settings by clicking Run from the Main Menu Bar, then clicking Interfaces / Timer / Configure Serial Port. The standard setting is 9600, E, 7, 1 for the OSM6 and ARES 21 OSM6 mode. However, there are situations when using the ARES 21 simulation of the OSM6 that you would configure the port opening to be 9600, N, 8, 1. The ARES 21 Bi-Directional should be set to 9600, N, 8, 1.


Hardware Requirements


The best operational method for the ARES 21 Interface is to connect the HY-TEK computer to the ARES 21 computer using a standard RS232 null modem cable. This cable connects to the serial COM port of both computers. If either or both computers do not have a serial port, the computers will need a USB to serial adaptor. The ARES computer connects to the ARES 21 timer box. If not using an ARES configured computer with the ARES 21 timer box, the HY-TEK computer can connect directly to The ARES GP RS422 port. The ARES GP RS422 port option should only be used if it is necessary to communicate over long distances and it requires a RS232-RS422 converter.


Downloading Event Setups to the ARES 21 Bi-Directional



The INTERFACE connects to your Omega OSM 6 directly to the timer's Data Handling Port. You will need either an OSM 6 Marc II and a Data Handling Module (DH-1) with the following hardware:


An RS-232 serial cable with an Omega port connector called a tuchel at the OSM 6 end, and a 25 pin female connector at the computer end connected to a "20 ma to RS-232" converter to either COM 1 or COM 2. If your computer's serial port requires a 9 pin connector, HY-TEK suggests you purchase a 9 pin to 25 pin converter available at most computer supply stores.


A "20 ma current loop to RS-232" Converter (supplied by your Omega dealer) connected to your computer's COM 1 or COM 2 port. You can order the proper cable and connectors from HY-TEK or your Omega dealer. In case you wish to make up your own cable, the following pin connections must be made between the tuchel and a 25 pin connector:


 A.        Pin 1 of the tuchel to pin 25 of the connector.

 B.        Pin 2 of the tuchel to pin 23 of the connector.


In using the OSM 6 timing console, The INTERFACE captures the times "in background" and stores them on your hard drive as you are running the meet. Then, whenever you are ready to request them by event/heat or by race number, they are retrieved from the MM computer's stored data files.


Trouble Shooting Note: The COM port settings required for the OSM6 are 9600,E,7,1. If you have trouble making the Interface work, you may need to go into Device Manager in Windows and change the COM port settings from 9600,N,8,1 to 9600,E,7,1.


Checking Your Connection

For the ARES 21 Bi-Directional, when you open the serial port in MM by putting in a COM port number, the communication is tested and if it works, there will be an almost immediate message stating communications passed.


For the Omega OSM 5/6 or ARES 21 in OSM6 mode, there is no communication since the OSM6 only sends and does not receive. You should set up a test race and send it over to the MM computer before you start the meet. HY-TEK suggests you send over event 0 heat 0 for a test. The INTERFACE cannot store the data from a race until the timing console operator presses the "Lane On" and "Start" button combination. When The INTERFACE receives this signal from the timer, that's when the actual data is written to the HY-TEK computer's hard drive for later retrieval.


Select the "Timing Console Meet"

After you have sent over a test race, click on Interfaces then Timer and click on Select Meet. The INTERFACE will display a window with the date and time and, if the timer is the OSM6, the number of races that have been stored for the "timing console meet" that MM is pointing to. Remember, you could be running a three day meet and The INTERFACE must know what "set of meet data" you want to access.


Click on the Next Meet or Previous Meet buttons to select the appropriate Meet Session or Day. This is a great feature to use to go back to a previous session's results and pull over a DQ'd athlete's splits and time.


Reading in Results From the OSM6/ARES

As each athlete touches the pad in his or her lane, a time is stored in the memory of the timer and sent to the MM computer. When a given race has been completed, the finish times and the split times are stored on the MM hard drive and are immediately available for reading into your MM database. For the ARES 21 in Bi-Directional Mode, the times are stored in the Timer itself and downloaded to MM when requested by the MM computer operator.


From the Run Menu, there are two ways to read in times from the stored result files received from the OSM6/ARES timer:

1.By Event/Heat using the Get Times button.
2.By Race Number using the Race # button.


HY-TEK recommends using method #1 which assumes the timing operator is entering the proper event and heat number before pressing "Lane On" / "Start" for the OSM 6 or pressing F12 for the Ares 21.


Click one of the links below for how to bring times in from the timer.

Get Times Button.

Race # Button