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Sports BUSINESS MANAGER is designed to help coaches, sports team administrators, secretaries, and bookkeepers to easily and effectively manage the financial affairs of a sports team.


Sports BUSINESS MANAGER will enable you to send your members one invoice which includes dues, meet entry fees, travel fund, taxable sales, and non-taxable sales.  And the printing of this invoice is a snap.  It is specially designed to contain the mailing address and return address so that you can fold it and place it in a double window envelope for mailing - no need for pre-printed envelopes or labels.


Sports BUSINESS MANAGER will provide the manager of your team an easy way of keeping up with the daily operations of the team. Sports BUSINESS MANAGER can print a report of the days activities including:


alphabetical list of transactions and bank deposit summaries

list of corrections to previously entered transactions

list of new families and new athletes

report of total balance due for all accounts


Three optional features are available with Sports BUSINESS MANAGER:


Automatic Billing

Check Book

Email Invoices


Once your fee structure is set up, monthly billing of several hundred athletes becomes easy.  The automatic billing feature has the capability to charge several or all families any annual fee you wish to levy.  The Check Book option makes it easy to track payments and payroll by category and date.  And the Email Invoices option is a real money-saver - no more stamps and envelops.


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