Convert Database to TM 7.0

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Click on File then Convert Database to TM 7.0 to display the following set of choices.




TEAM MANAGER 6.0 Release Customers (6th Generation TM)

After you install TM 7.0, click on File / Open and pick the Database that you wish to open.  A TM 7.0 database is compatible with any TM 6.0 database


TEAM MANAGER 5.0 Release Customers (5th Generation TM)

After you install TM 7.0, click on File / Open and pick the Database that you wish to open.  A TM 7.0 database is compatible with any TM 5.0 database


TEAM MANAGER 4.0 Release Database (4th Generation TM)

After you install TM 7.0 and then click on File / Open/New, pick the Database that you previously had opened (usually in c:\TMIIData directory) and click on Open and TM 7.0 will convert it over to the new format!  TM 7.0 will automatically backup your TM 4.0 database BEFORE it is converted. The backup will be an Archive backup and stored in the same directory as the Database, typically the TMIIData directory.  The file name will be of type SwtmArchive*.zip.  The new converted Database will be stored in a new directory named TM5Data.




Because TM7.0 uses a new more current version of Microsoft's Access, backward compatibility is not possible.   That is, it is not possible to Open a TM 7.0 Database with any TM 4.0 or earlier versions of TEAM MANAGER.  If your team has TEAM MANAGER installed on more than one computer, please make sure that ALL of them have been upgraded to TEAM MANAGER 7.0.


IMPORTANT: If you are using Team Connect Online for your club, EVERYONE accessing your Team Connect Online must ALL be using TM 7.0.


TEAM MANAGER II Release 2 or 3 Database (3rd Generation TM)

After you install TM 7.0 and then click on File / Open/New, pick the Database that you previously had opened and click on Open and TM 7.0 will convert it over to the new format!  TM 7.0 will automatically backup your TM II database BEFORE it is converted so that you can restore that database back to TM II if the need arises.  The backup will be an Archive backup and stored in the same directory as the Database, typically the TMIIData directory.  The file name will be of type SwtmArchive*.zip.




Because TM7.0 uses a new more current version of Microsoft's Access, backward compatibility is not possible.   That is, it is not possible to Open a TM 7.0 Database with any TM 4.0 or earlier versions of TEAM MANAGER.  If your team has TEAM MANAGER installed on more than one computer, please make sure that ALL of them have been upgraded to TEAM MANAGER 7.0.


IMPORTANT: If you are using Team Connect Online for your club, EVERYONE accessing your Team Connect Online must ALL be using TM 6.0.



Converting your WIN-TM Version 1.6 Database (2nd Generation TM)

If you are currently running TEAM MANAGER Version 1.6 product (WIN-TM), there is no automatic way of converting that Database over to the TM 7.0 Database format.  We suggest using the File/Export Swimmers and Meet Results and then importing them into a new TM 7.0 Database.



Converting your DOS-TM Database (1st Generation TM)

If you are currently running TEAM MANAGER for DOS product, there is really no way to convert that Database over to the TM 7.0 Database format.



Converting and Merging your DOS-WM Database into TM

All data that is currently in a DOS WORKOUT MANAGER database can be converted and merged into the currently open TM database.  If workouts already exist in the currently open TM database, the converted workouts will be appended (adding to, but not erasing existing workouts). If athlete names are in the DOS WM database, you will have the option to add or not add the athletes.


Important: Before converting the DOS WM database, run DOS WORKOUT MANAGER, go to the Maintenance Menu and select #4 to Rebuild Lists.


From the TM Main Menu, click on File / Convert and Merge DOS Workout Manager Database into TM. TM will display the WM Database conversion screen and list all the DOS WM Databases that it finds in the directory named c:\wmdata.


If you do not see your database in the window, click File and you have the following options:


Search for DOS Workout Manager
Convert DOS Workout Manager Backup


To request that TM look in a different directory for DOS WM Databases, click on File then click on Search for DOS Workout Manager and pick a different directory.


If you wish TM to search your entire hard drive, double click the c:\ root drive and then click Start Search. To search a different Drive letter, select a different drive from the Search Drive drop down combo box. Searching an entire hard drive will take several minutes, so it is better if you know in what directory your DOS WM database is located and simply search that one directory (which will also search all of its sub-directories).


After the search is completed, pick from the list of DOS WM Databases that are displayed and then click on the Convert Selected Database button.  A screen will appear offering the following choices:


Add Athletes
Skip Athlete conversion, T30, and test sets
Add Athletes ONLY and SKIP workout conversion
For existing TM II Athletes, insert WM groups
Pick Team for the athletes


You have a number of options when converting a DOS WM database. If you add athletes using option 1 or 3, you must pick a team from the current TM database. If no teams are setup, cancel the conversion, add a team, and start the conversion again.


When athletes are added, all test set data, attendance data, and T-30 data are also converted into The TM database. If any of these WM athletes are already in TM, you have to option to insert the DOS WM Group and Subgroup assignments for these athletes.


After making your conversion choices, click OK and then click the Convert Selected Database button to start the conversion. During conversion, the DOS WM workout notes will need to be converted and when this conversion process is proceeding, wait until it is completed before clicking any other buttons. Once the entire conversion has been completed, TM will give you an OK button option to return back to the TM Main Menu.


When TM and DOS WM Database are on Different Computers


If your DOS WM Database is located on a computer other than the one where TM is installed, run DOS WORKOUT MANAGER on the other computer, go to the Maintenance Menu and select #4 to Rebuild Lists. Then select #1 to Backup the database to a floppy diskette.


With the backup diskette in Drive A of the TM computer, from the TM Main Menu bar, click on File / Convert and Merge DOS Workout Manager Database into TM..  Now from within this new menu, click on File then Convert WIN-TM Backup. Now select from the A drive the backup file named  Before unzipping the backup, you will select from your athlete/workout conversion options as described previously. As soon as you select the conversion option, the conversion of the backup will proceed.